Publishing the community configuration

Publish the community mode configuration to all servers by executing a script to clear widget caches and synchronize nodes. Then restart all servers.

Step Instructions


Open a Windows shell (cmd.exe) and execute following script .

Note: Alternatively, you may clear widget caches in Connections with an Connections administrative account and synchronize the nodes afterwards in the ISC. You will need to restart all Connections servers:

cd C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin
wsadmin -lang jython -user <wasadmin> -password <password>

''' clear widgets cache '''

''' synchronize active nodes '''
dmgr = AdminControl.queryNames(type=DeploymentManager,*)
if dmgr:
 print Please wait, until the nodes have been synchronized.
 nodes = AdminControl.invoke(dmgr, syncActiveNodes, true)
 print The following nodes have been sucessfully synchronized. -  + str(nodes)
 print An error occured please check your server, whether there is an active node.


Restart all Connections servers to publish the configuration to the Connections applications.

Congratulations! You have configured HCL Connections to work with IBM Engagement Center's community mode.