Downloading the latest Cumulative Refresh (CR) and related updates
Download an IBM® Connections Cumulative Refresh and related software updates from the IBM® support website.
Before you begin
About this task
To install the latest CR, first download the following updates:
- Installation Manager 1.8.5 64-bit or later (needed only if you did not install it with IBM Connections 6.0)
- WebSphere® Application Server or higher and
supplemental software, IBM® HTTP Server 8.5 and Web Server
Plug-ins for IBM®
WebSphere® Application Server 8.5Note:
- Before upgrading to WebSphere® Application Server or higher when using the Domino LDAP, contact IBM WebSphere Support to obtain the following iFix: PI88438: When defining a root Base DN for a federated repository, display and login problems occur. Otherwise the server will experience log-in failures.
- IBM Connections 6.0 requires iFix PI94837 for APAR IJ04429 for SDK The iFix can be
downloaded from Fix Central.
Refer to the following technote for details PI94837: SHIP IBM Java SDK 8 IJ04429 AS AN IFIX FOR WAS 8.5.5 (Technote 4045004).
- IBM® Connections 6.0 CR3 update package
- On the system where the Deployment Manager is installed,
create temporary folders for downloading and extracting the files
for this Cumulative Refresh.
For example, on Windows™:
C:\Install\CONNECTIONS-CR\WAS-FP10 (use the version that you will download)
- Using a browser, go to the Fix Central website.
- Search for each update you need and follow the online instructions to download and extract each package to the temporary folders you created.