Configuring Domino® for email notification replies
Configure IBM® Lotus® Domino® 8.5.2 to direct email notification replies to a dedicated mailbox.
Before you begin
About this task
The steps in this topic are required to configure Forums so that users can reply to forum topics by email. When a reply is added to a forum topic, an email is sent to followers of that forum and that topic. Users receiving that email can respond by email. The content of that response is added as a new reply in the forum, after the original.
A mail server uses a rule or trigger to direct reply emails to a mailbox dedicated for this purpose. The IBM® Connections server uses a WebSphere® Application Server mail session to process this mailbox periodically, adding content to the forums. This topic documents how to configure a Domino® server to direct reply emails to a dedicated mailbox.
- Open the Domino® server and click the Domain tab.
- Expand Messaging in the navigator, and then click Configuration.
- Select the messaging server and click Edit Configuration.
- Click the Router/SMTP tab, then the Restrictions and Controls tab, and then the Rules tab.
- Click New Rule and create a rule
that moves emails containing lcreplyto_ in
the To field to the mailbox, for example:
Where mail\mailin.nsf is the location and name of your dedicated email reply mailbox.When To contains lcreplyto_ move to Database mail\mailin.nsf
- Domino® moves the
emails to the Sent view instead of the Inbox of
the mail database. Create a Notes® agent
to move the emails from the Sent view to the Inbox.