Configuring WebSphere® Application Server for email notification replies
Configure an IBM® WebSphere® Application Server mail session to connect to a mailbox dedicated to storing email notification replies.
Before you begin
About this task
The steps in this topic are required to configure Forums so that users can reply to forum topics by email. When a reply is added to a forum topic, an email is sent to followers of that forum and that topic. Users receiving that email can respond by email. The content of that response is added as a new reply in the forum, after the original.
A mail server uses a rule or trigger to direct reply emails to a mailbox dedicated for this purpose. The IBM® Connections server uses a WebSphere® Application Server mail session to process this mailbox periodically, adding content to the forums. This topic documents how to create the mail session.
- Open the IBM® WebSphere® Administrative Console.
- Navigate to .
- Select a scope, and then create a new mail session with
the following properties:
- In the Name field type: lcreplyto
- In the JNDI name field type: mail/replyto
- In the Incoming Mail Properties section
set the following properties: