HCL Commerce Version or later

Building up a wishlist-view react component

To create a wishlist view, you follow the steps in this document.

About this task


  1. Open src/components/pages/wish-list/wishlist-view.tsx directory.
    Since you have copied this file from the downloaded source code zip, you have all the logic or code present in it.
    const WishListView: React.FC = (props: any) => {
      const loginStatus = useSelector(loginStatusSelector);
      const userWishList = useSelector(GetWishListSelector);
    Get the loginStatus and userWishList of the user from Redux Selectors such as loginStatusSelector, GetWishListSelector respectively.
    useEffect(() => {
       if (!userWishList) {
         let payload = {
       return () => {
         cancels.forEach((cancel) => cancel());
       //esIint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
     }, []);
    Verify if the userWishList is available during component load.
    • If not, dispatch GET_USER_WISHLIST_ACTION Redux action to get the logged in user’s wishlist.
    • If the user is not logged in properly, redirect them to the sign in page. Otherwise, display or render the wishlist-view component.
      if (!loginStatus) (
        return <Redirect to=(SIGNIN) />;
      } else {
        return (
         <StyledContainer cid="wish-list-view">
    • With the help of StyledGrid, StyledContainer, TitleLayout, AccountSidebar, CreateWishListView and DisplayWishListView components you can easily render the wishlist-view page.
      <Stylescontainer cid="wish-list-view">
        <TitleLayout title={t("WishList.Title")} cid="wish-list-view-title" />
        <StyledGrid container spacing={3}>
          <StyledGrid container spacing={3} className="sidebar">
            <AccountSidebar />
          <StyledGrid item xs={12} md={9}>
            <StyledGrid container spacing={4}>
              <StyledGrid item xs={12}>
                <CreateWishListView />
              {userWishList && userWishList.length > 0 && (
                <StyledGrid item xs={12}>
                      {userWishList.map((wishList: any) => (
                        <StyledGrid item xs={12} sm={6} key={wishList.uniqueID}>
                 {!userWishList && (
                   <StyledGrid item>
                      <StyledTypography varient="body2">
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. After updating the file, login to the Emerald store with valid shopper credentials. You should be able to login to http://localhost:3000/Emerald/wish-list and see the wishlist-view page without any error.
  4. After successfully adding the wishlist creation and deletion feature, add a button on the product detail page, to add products or items to the recently created wishlist. For more information on adding a product to wishlist, see Adding an "Add to Wishlist" button.