Deprecated feature

Get connector descriptor of the existing connector

In this lesson, you get auth.reindex connector descriptor JSON using Search Ingest Service API.


Complete the following steps to get auth.reindex connector descriptor.
  1. Use the following URL to access Swagger UI to interact with Search Ingest Service API.
    http:// <ElasticSearchHostname/IP>:30800/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/v3/api-docs&validatorUrl=#/Connector%20Configuration/getConnectorById
  2. On the Swagger UI, navigate to Connector Configuration > GET: /connectors/{id}.
  3. Click Try it out.
  4. In the id field, enter auth.reindex and then click Execute. The auth.reindex connector descriptor JSON appears in the Response body.
  5. Click Download to save the connector descriptor JSON file.