HCL Commerce Version or later

Converting Category Landing page into Page Composer-enabled page

In the Page Composer-enabled pages introduced in HCL Commerce Version, the layouts and the widgets used within them can be managed through the .The following topic describes the steps to convert a Category page into Page Composer-enabled page.


  1. Create a layout for the category-landing-page identifier under the path src/components/commerce-layouts with the name category-landing-page.tsx.
  2. This layout should ideally reference the withLayout higher-order component invoked with a component that references two widgets in the layout.
    This layout can be similar to the following code snippet:
     * Licensed Materials - Property of HCL Technologies
     * HCL Commerce
     * (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 2020,2021
    import { CategoryLandingPageLayout } from "@hcl-commerce-store-sdk/react-component";
    import { withLayout } from "../../_foundation/hooks/use-layout";
    export default withLayout(CategoryLandingPageLayout);
    Similarly, the CategoryLandingPageLayout component can be similar to the following code snippet.
     * Licensed Materials - Property of HCL Technologies
     * HCL Commerce
     * (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 2021
    //Standard libraries
    import React from "react";
    import { StyledGrid, StyledContainer } from "../../elements";
    import { PageLayoutProps } from "../..";
     * Category Landing Page Layout
     * @description Two rows layout.
     * @param cid Unique identifier for this component.
     * @param slots All the slots containing commerce widgets in this layout.
    export const CategoryLandingPageLayout: React.FC<PageLayoutProps> = ({
      slots = [],
    }) => {
      const SlotOne = () => {
        return (
            {slots["1"] && (
              <StyledGrid container>
                <StyledGrid item xs={12}>
                  {slots["1"].map((e: any) => {
                    const CurrentComponent = e.CurrentComponent;
                    return <CurrentComponent key={e.key} />;
      const SlotTwo = () => {
        return (
            {slots["2"] && (
              <StyledGrid container>
                {slots["2"].map((e: any) => {
                  const CurrentComponent = e.CurrentComponent;
                  return (
                    <StyledGrid item key={e.key} xs={12}>
                      <CurrentComponent />
      return (
        <StyledContainer id={cid}>
          {slots["1"] ? <SlotOne /> : null}
          {slots["2"] ? <SlotTwo /> : null}
  3. Refer to the PLWIDGETDEF table of HCL Commerce as shown in below image.
    Note: Here, pure widgets are identified with WIDGETTYPE value as 1, whereas containers are identified with WIDGETTYPE value as 2
  4. Create two widgets that are to be referenced in the newly created layout and place them under the path src/components/commerce-widgets with the names e-marketing-spot-widget.tsx and child-category-grid-widget.tsx. These names correspond to the IDENTIFIER column of the PLWIDGETDEF table with .tsx suffix.
  5. Create a layout for Category Landing Page in CMC and assign the two widget types in both the layout slots as shown in the image below.
    Note: The above image depicts the assignment of the E-marketing Spot widget to the Category Landing Page layout using Suffix-based page-specific e-marketing.
    Note: In the absence of any valid layouts, default layouts are used. These are provided in version 9170 under the src/configs/default-layout folder. Their naming (without the file extension) matches the IDENTIFIER column of the PLWIDGETDEF table.