Mapping an HCL Commerce user name to a IBM Digital Analytics user name for single sign-on

If you have business users with an HCL Commerce user name that is different from their user name for , you must configure a mapping of these names in the HCL Commerce database to support single sign-on.

An example is a business user who logs on to Management Center as johndoe but logs on to IBM Digital Analytics by using a shared user name like ibmanalytics. You can map more than one HCL Commerce user name to a single IBM Digital Analytics user name.

If you do not perform this procedure, the business user's HCL Commerce user name is assumed to be the same as the IBM Digital Analytics user name. When a business user attempts to launch IBM Digital Analytics from Management Center, if there is no matching user name in IBM Digital Analytics, then the authentication fails and the business user is forced to log on to IBM Digital Analytics separately.

Before you begin

  • Identify the business users who have HCL Commerce user names that are different from their IBM Digital Analytics user name.
  • Gather the HCL Commerce user names for these business users. The user names are stored in the LOGONID column of the USERREG table. Also gather the corresponding IBM Digital Analytics user name for each business user.


  1. Connect to the HCL Commerce database.
  2. For each HCL Commerce user name, issue the following SQL statement. This statement stores the mapping of the HCL Commerce user name to a IBM Digital Analytics user name in the MBRATTRVAL table:
    (SELECT USERS_ID from USERREG where LOGONID = 'wcsUsername'),
    (SELECT MBRATTR_ID from MBRATTR where NAME = 'CMCAnalyticsUsername'), 'coremetricsUsername')


    The HCL Commerce user name. This name is the name that the business user uses to log on to Management Center. These user names are stored in the LOGONID column of the USERREG table. You can specify only one user name at a time.
    The IBM Digital Analytics user name. This name is the name that the business user uses to log on to IBM Digital Analytics.
  3. Repeat the previous step for each additional HCL Commerce user name that requires this mapping.


The next time these business users log on to Management Center and then launch IBM Digital Analytics, they will not have to authenticate separately with IBM Digital Analytics.