Using the output tag to configure the placement of IBM Digital Analytics JavaScript snippets
) acts as a
marker for the location to write JavaScript snippets for each time the page is rendered.
These IBM Digital Analytics
JavaScript snippets are defined in the analytics configuration file (biConfig.xml
within the <output>
element. The default sample biConfig.xml
file and the latest HCL Commerce starter stores are already set up to use the output tag
for its intended purpose. If required, you can change the output tag location in starter store
pages, or you can use the <output> tag to write additional content to a location in a store
page.Default implementation of the output tag
In the default samplebiConfig.xml
file, the output tag is defined using the <output>
element, as shown
<output section = "header">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// send data to production system
// send data to test system
a store page is rendered, all the content within the <output>
element must be
written to the page. The purpose of this JavaScript content is to include the IBM Digital Analytics library file (eluminate.js) and call the cmSetClientID function. IBM Digital Analytics uses this content when collecting analytics data.
element must be written,
the Madisons and Elite starter stores that are published with HCL Commerce Version 7
Feature Pack 3 enhancements are already tagged with the <cm:output />
tag. The
tag looks like
this:<cm:output section="header" />
For these stores, the <cm:output />
tag is placed in the following file:
file showing the
<cm:output />
<%@ include file="CommonJSToIncludeExt.jspf"%>
<%@ include file="CommonJSToIncludeBrazilExt.jspf"%>
<%@ include file="MultipleWishListSetup.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="../ShoppingArea/Configurator/SterlingConfiguratorJS.jspf" %>
<flow:ifEnabled feature="Analytics">
<cm:output section="header" />
<!-- END CommonJSToInclude.jspf -->
file is a special file included in the
element of every starter store page. Its purpose is to include global
variables and functions in all starter store pages. By including the <cm:output
tag in this special file, the IBM Digital Analytics JavaScript snippets that
are defined in the <output>
element of the biConfig.xml
file will be written to the <head>
element of every store page.
The output tag and the auto tagging utility
If you have a custom store, rather than a store based on Madisons or Elite, you can use the auto tagging utility to automatically add the<cm:output />
tag to the <head>
element of all your store pages, at the same time that the utility adds the <cm:pageview
tag. This way, you do not need to add the <cm:output />
tag to each
page manually.The <output> element compared to the <instrumentation> element in the biConfig.xml file
files that are implemented before
HCL Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 3 have an <instrumentation>
element that contains IBM Digital Analytics
JavaScript snippets similar to the <output>
element. Here is an
<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/JavaScript" src="//"></script>
<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/JavaScript">
a store page is rendered, the contents of the <instrumentation>
element are
written above the </body>
tag near the end of the page.In Feature Pack 3 or
later biConfig.xml
files, the <output>
element is used instead
of the <instrumentation>
element. This means that the IBM Digital Analytics JavaScript snippets are now written
within the <head>
element rather than near the end of the page. Certain IBM Digital Analytics applications, such as IBM Digital Analytics AdTarget, require the snippets to be
written near the top of the page.
The added benefit of the <output>
element over the <instrumentation>
element is to give you control over where the
JavaScript snippets are written; however, if you use the <output>
element, your
store pages must contain a corresponding <cm:output />
tag to mark the location
to write the JavaScript snippets.
Reasons to change the default output tag implementation
There are several reasons to change the default output tag implementation:- You might want to write the IBM Digital Analytics JavaScript snippets to a different
location in your store page, or write additional content to the page. To do so, you can change the
location of the
<cm:output />
tag in your store pages and change the content within the<output>
element in yourbiConfig.xml
file. - You might want to write multiple IBM Digital Analytics JavaScript snippets to different
locations in your store pages. If so, you can define multiple output tags in your
biConfig.xml file, each with a different
parameter value. Here is an example that includes the default<output>
tag definition forsection = "header"
and a second<output>
tag definition forsection = "body"
:... <store storeId = "10101" biprovider = "coremetrics" enabled = "true" debug = "true" useHostedCMHLibraries = "true"> <clientid>69999999</clientid> <output section = "header"> <![CDATA[ <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> cmSetupNormalization("krypto-_-krypto"); // send data to production system //cmSetClientID("99999999",true,"",""); // send data to test system cmSetClientID("69999999",false,"",""); </script> ]]> </output> <output section = "body"> <![CDATA[ <script type="text/JavaScript"> your_JavaScript_goes_here </script> ]]> </output> </store> ...
Then, in your store pages, you must have the following
<cm:output />
tags at the appropriate locations:<cm:output section="header" />
<cm:output section="body" />