input file
Use the widgetnvp input file to set the properties of widgets that have been added to a specific layout or template, including a default layout. You must provide the property name and value.
Use this input file only to load properties that can be stored as simple name-value pairs. If the widget supports more complex data structures, like language-specific data or marketing-related data such as marketing content, then you must use a custom widget manager class to store the property values.
For more information about widget properties, see Commerce Composer widget properties.
For a sample that demonstrates how to use this input file, see Sample: Loading Commerce Composer layouts.
You can extract widget name-value pair data with the Data Extract utility to create a widgetnvp.csv file that you can load with the Data Load utility. For example, if you want to copy or move layouts between stores or instances, such as for creating one or more test environments.
- LayoutUniqueID
- (Integer) The internal reference number for the layout or template that contains the widget, for
example, 50001. Either this field or the LayoutName field (see next column)
is required.Note: The sample CSV file does not include this column; the sample demonstrates the use of the LayoutName to uniquely identify the layout or template.Maps to:
- LayoutName
- (String) The external reference name for the layout or template that contains the widget, for
example, SampleHomePageLayout. Either this field or the LayoutUniqueID field
(see previous column) is required.
- UniqueID
- (Integer) The internal reference number of the widget for which you are defining properties, for
example, 10001. Either this field or the AdminName field (see next column) is
required.Note: The sample CSV file does not include this column; the sample demonstrates the use of the AdminName to uniquely identify the widget.
- AdminName
- (String) A name to identify this widget within this specific layout or template, for example,
HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget. This name is displayed in the Commerce
Composer tool to help business users understand the purpose of the widget within this specific
layout. This name is defined in the layoutWidgetRelationship input file
(ChildWidgetAdminName column) that was used to add widgets to the layout or template. Either this
field or the UniqueID field (see previous column) is required.
- Name
- (String) The name of the property that you want to set in the widget, for example,
widgetOrientation or displayPreference.
- Value
- (String) The value of the property that you want to set in the widget.
- Sequence
- (Decimal) The sequence in which the property is saved in relation to other properties. If the
sequence does not matter, use the value 0 for all properties.
For example, if the widget had three e-Marketing Spot properties, and if you wanted them saved in a specific order, you could set each property with a different sequence number. The property with the lowest sequence number is saved first.
- Delete
- (String) A flag that indicates whether to delete the property setting for the widget. Specify 1 to delete the row.