Business users can quickly hide categories, subcategories and the products within them
using the Catalogs tool. For example, if the category contains out-of-season
merchandise. The deep category unpublishing feature allows WebSphere Commerce Search
to not display products that are hidden from shoppers. It also allows WebSphere Commerce Search to not index categories that are hidden from
Configure the search properties in the catalog component configuration file
(wc-component.xml) on the WebSphere Commerce EAR:
Open the catalog component configuration file on the WebSphere Commerce EAR for
The component configuration files are stored in the
following locations by default:
- The default component configuration file:
- The extended component configuration file. This customized version of the file contains only the
changed properties:
For more information about the values within the file, see
Search properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml) (WebSphere Commerce EAR).
Set the following properties:
Configure the search properties in the catalog component configuration file
(wc-component.xml) on the Search EAR:
Open the catalog component configuration file on the Search EAR for editing.
The component configuration files are stored in the
following location by default:
- The default component configuration file for the search application:
- The extended component configuration file for the search application. To change the value of an
existing property in the WebSphere Commerce Search component configuration file, you must create a
customized version of the file in this location. The customized version of the file must contain
only the changed properties:
For more information about the values within the file, see
Search properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml) (Search EAR).
Set the following property:
Preprocess the WebSphere Commerce search index data,
passing in the following extra parameters:
-publishedOnly true -deepUnpublish true
Enabling deep category unpublish results in flagging the
F when publishing and unpublishing categories. The flag indicates that a full
reindexing is run when updating the search index or opening store preview.
Important: Ensure that the values entered in the component configuration files always
match the value passed into the di-preprocess utility, so that the server runtime behaves the same
during indexing.
What to do next
After enabling deep category unpublish, business users use the Catalogs tool and clear the
Display to customer check box for all categories and products that they want
to hide. For more information, see Hiding categories.