
The GetPricingRuleDetailsUE mappings are used for Sterling Order Management to retrieve specific promotion details from WebSphere Commerce .

getPricingRuleDetailsUE Request

getPricingRuleDetailsUE request mapping to GetPromotionDetailsBOD

Sterling Order Management API Path WebSphere Commerce Path
PricingRule /@PricingRuleName Promotion / PromotionIdentifier / CalculationCodeIdentifier / UniqueID
PricingRule /@DisplayLocaizedFieldInLocale TODO - does this need to be in the BOD, or is this set in the LanguageContext langId OrganizationIdentifier / UniqueID
PricingRule /@OrganizationCode OrganizationIdentifier / UniqueID
PricingRule / Coupon /@CouponID Promotion / PromotionIdentifier / CalculationCodeIdentifier / UniqueID
getPromotionDetailsUE Response

GetPromotionDetailsBOD response mapping to getPricingRuleDetailsUE

WebSphere Commerce Path Sterling Order Management API Path
Promotion / PromotionIdentifier / CalculationCodeIdentifier / UniqueID PricingRule /@PricingRuleName
Promotion / Description / LongDescription PricingRule /@Description
Promotion / Schedule / StartDate PricingRule /@StartDateActive
Promotion / Schedule / EndDate PricingRule /@EndDateActive
Promotion / PromotionType PricingRule /@RuleType
Promotion / PromotionCodeRequired PricingRule /@IsCouponRule
Promotion / PromotionCode PricingRule / Coupon /@CouponID