Deprecated feature: Example: Extraction filter

The following example of an extraction filter extracts category and product information from the CATGROUP, CATGRPDESC, CATGRPREL, CATENTRY, CATENTSHIP, OFFER, CATENTREL, CATGPENREL, CATENTDESC, and ATTRVALUE tables.

For information about the tag structure of this example, see Extraction filter format.


    <!-- **************************** -->
    <!-- extract Category information -->
    <!-- **************************** -->

    <functionDef id="Category" description="Extract Categories"
      <paramDef name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10301"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catgroup where catgroup_id > :lastRecord

    <execute id="Category" description="Extract Categories"
      <param name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Category Description" description="Extract
Category Descriptions 
     for a Locale" schemaentity="catgrpdesc">
      <paramDef name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catgrpdesc where catgroup_id > :lastRecord

    <execute id="Category Description" description="Extract
Category Descriptions  
     for a Locale" schemaentity="catgrpdesc">
      <param name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Category Relationship" description="Extract
     for a Locale" schemaentity="catgrprel">
      <paramDef name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catgrprel where catgroup_id_child >

    <execute id="Category Relationship" description="Extract
Category-Relations for  
     a Locale" schemaentity="catgrprel">
      <param name=":lastRecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />

    <!-- *************************** -->
    <!-- extract Product information -->
    <!-- *************************** -->

    <functionDef id="Product" description="Extract Product"
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catentry where catentry_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Product" description="Extract Product"
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Product Relationship" description="Extract
Product Ship 
     information" schemaentity="catentrel">
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record 
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catentrel where catentry_id_child >

    <execute id="Product Relationship" description="Extract
Product Ship information" 
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Product Description" description="Extract
Product Description" 
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catentdesc where catentry_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Product Description" description="Extract
Product Description" 
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Product Ship" description="Extract Product
Ship information" 
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catentship where catentry_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Product Ship" description="Extract Product Ship
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <functionDef id="Category Product Relationship"
description="Extract Category  
     Product Relations" schemaentity="catgpenrel">
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
        select * from catgpenrel where catgroup_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Category Product Relationship"
description="Extract Category Product 
     Relations" schemaentity="catgpenrel">
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <!-- **************************************** -->
    <!-- Extract Product Attribute Information    -->
    <!-- **************************************** -->

    <functionDef id="Product Attribute Values"
description="Extract Product Attribute  
     values for a Locale" schemaentity="attrvalue">
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
        select * from attrvalue where catentry_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Product Attribute Values" description="Extract
Product Attribute values 
     for a Locale" schemaentity="attrvalue">
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />

    <!-- *************************************************
    <!-- Extract Product Price Information                
    <!-- *************************************************

    <functionDef id="Offer" description="Extract Offer"
      <paramDef name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
        select * from offer where catentry_id > :lastrecord

    <execute id="Offer" description="Extract Offer"
      <param name=":lastrecord" type="string" value="10300"
description="Last record  
       before loading new data" />
