Deleting subscription and recurring order objects

To delete subscription and recurring order objects from the database, use the Database Cleanup utility.


  1. From the WC_installdir/bin directory, run the following script:
    • DB2
      • LinuxAIX ./ -object subscription -type typename -instancexml WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/instance_name.xml -db dbname -dbuser user -days daysold -loglevel loglevel
      • Windows dbclean -object subscription -type typename -instancexml WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/ instance_name.xml -db dbname -days daysold -loglevel loglevel
    • Oracle
      • AIX./ -object subscription -type typename -instancexml WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/ instance_name.xml -db dbname -days daysold -loglevel loglevel -dbtype oracle -dbuser user -dbpasswd password
      • Windows dbclean -object subscription -type typename -instancexml WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/ instance_name.xml -db dbname -days daysold -loglevel loglevel -dbtype oracle -dbuser user -dbpasswd password

      Use host:port:sid for the database name for example, myhost:1521:mydb.

    1. For the -type parameter, you can specify:
      • expired_timebased_subscr: Delete all expired time based subscriptions that are user-specified number of days old.
      • cancelled_timebased_subscr: Delete all canceled time based subscriptions that are user-specified number of days old.
      • expired_recOrder: Delete all expired recurring orders that are user-specified number of days old.
      • cancelled_recOrder: Delete all canceled recurring orders that are user-specified number of days old.
  2. Examine the WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/logs/DBClean/DBClean.timestamp.logfile.