Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 3

Sync order fulfillment status

The sync order fulfillment status communication map is a push from SSFS to WebSphere Commerce. It maps the SSFS getOrderDetails and SSFS getShipmentDetails APIs to the WebSphere Commerce SyncOrder message. As both WebSphere Commerce and SSFS are customizable, assumptions are made with the mapping from one system to the other.

The assumptions made for this call are:
WebSphere Commerce path Source
_ord:OrderIdentifier/_wcf:UniqueID @OrderNo The "WC_" is removed from the beginning if needed
_ord:OrderStatus/_ord:Status @MaxOrderStatus The following will choose the status:
  • WebSphere Commerce status: R. SSFS order status: >= 3200 and < 3700
  • WebSphere Commerce status: B. SSFS order status: 1300 or 1400
WebSphere Commerce path Source
_ord:OrderIdentifier/_wcf:UniqueID Shipment/ShipmentLines/ShipmentLine/@OrderNo
_ord:OrderStatus/_ord:Status S
_ord:OrderItem/_ord:OrderItemIdentifier/_wcf:UniqueID Shipment/ShipmentLines/ShipmentLine/@PrimeLineNo And Shipment/ShipmentLines/ShipmentLine/@SubLineNo If the "@SubLineNo" is not empty, append it to "@PrimeLineNo" with "-" as a separator
_ord:OrderItem/_ord:OrderItemStatus/_ord:Status D
Feature Pack 3To disable the deposit action when WebSphere Commerce receives the SyncOrder message with orderitems status of "D", add the following snippet to the order component's wc-admin-component.xml file:

<_config:configgrouping name="SyncOrder">
  <_config:property name="finalizePayment" value="false"/>
That is, Sterling DOM might have already deposited the payment and WebSphere Commerce does not need to deposit the payment again once the order shipment is confirmed.