Feature Pack 4 or later

Mobile Web starter stores shopping cart page

The shopping cart page displays the items which have been added to the customer's shopping cart.If there are no items in the shopping cart, a message is displayed indicating that the shopping cart is empty. For smart phones, if there are a large number of items in the shopping cart, the shopping cart can be separated into multiple pages. That is, paging controls are enabled to support large shopping carts on smart phones with limited screen space. Details included in the shopping cart are the product names, SKU, availability, prices, and quantities. Customers can change the quantity, remove an item, or move an item to the wish list directly from the shopping cart page.

Screen captures

The shopping cart page is available on both smart phone and tablet devices.

Smart phone screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Smart phone shopping cart page
Feature Pack 6 or later
Smart phone shopping cart page

Tablet screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Tablet shopping cart page

Elements of the shopping cart page

The shopping cart page contains the following page elements:

JSP files

  • OrderItemDisplay.jsp represents the smart phone page.
  • ShoppingCart.jsp represents the tablet page.


  • When a coupon is tapped, DiscountDetailsDisplay is called and displays the coupon details.
  • When Remove is tapped, OrderChangeServiceItemDelete is called
  • When Move to Shopping List is tapped, OrderChangeServiceItemDelete and InterestItemAdd are called.
  • When Update Order Total is tapped, OrderChangeServiceItemUpdate and PromotionCodeManage are called.
  • When Proceed to Checkout is tapped,CheckoutLogon is called.