Feature Pack 4 or later

Working with the Facebook Activity marketing trigger tags

When adding Facebook integratin to a custom store, marketing trigger tags can be added as a JavaScript to enable the marketing engine to track Facebook 'Like' events.The _triggerHandler function in FBintegrationCommon.js found in Tutorial_Facebook_Integration.zip contains the sample code to send such marketing trigger requests to the server by using dojo AJAX request. Consult that function for more details.


Http Method POST Comments
Request URL path /$store_path/AjaxMarketingTriggerProcessServiceEvaluate 0 length request payload
Parameter DM_ReqCmd SocialCommerceInteraction
  • likesProduct
  • likesHomepage
If the like button is on a product page, the type should be "likesProduct"
categoryId The category ID for the product The category ID might not be available for all product pages, so it could be empty
productId | catEntryId The productId for current product page The value should not be empty. If categoryId is empty, use productId, or catEntryId as parameter name.
partNumber The part number for the product Optional, if empty, marketing engine might not match certain type of fb trigger filter.
manufacturerName The product manufacturer name Optional, if empty marketing engine might not match certain type of fb trigger filter.