Feature Pack 4 or later

Creating a mobile sales catalog

Feature Pack 4 or later In this lesson, the Management Center Catalogs tool is used to create a sales catalog, which for example, can be used to promote a particular line of products specifically on mobile devices.


  1. Create a mobile sales catalog.
  2. Associate a store category with the new sales catalog:
    1. In the Explorer filter, click on the new sales catalog. This loads the Sales Categories List for the new sales catalog.
    2. Click the Utilities icon to open the Utilities view in the right pane.
    3. In the Utilities view, click on the Browse tab, and select Master Catalog Categories.
    4. Expand Madisons.
    5. Highlight one of the available categories, and then drag and drop it into the Sales Categories List panel. When prompted to select either Copy or Link Category, select the Link Category option.
    6. Assign a value for the Sequence column for each sales category. Values should start from 1.
    7. Save your changes.
  3. If your Madisons starter store has search-based navigation enabled, depending on the catalog changes, the search index might need to be rebuilt before the catalog changes are reflected in the storefront.
    1. Query the TI_DELTA_CATENTRY temporary table by running the following SQL statement:
      select * from ti_delta_catentry
    2. Check the ACTION column of the table for one of the following scenarios and follow the resulting steps:
      Scenario of actions to perform
      ACTION column Results
      Empty The catalog entry updates should appear at the next page refresh.
      U U indicates a create/update. The search index can be rebuilt by refreshing the current mobile page and performing a search query using the search field.
      D D indicates a delete action is queued.
      P P indicates pending, indicating that the indexing process is in progress.
      F F indicates full build is required. The preprocessing and re-build of the search index is required before your changes will take effect.
      1. Note the Master Catalog ID corresponding to the action(s) in the TI_DELTA_CATENTRY table.
      2. Run the preprocessing utility for the search index data
      3. Run the build index utility
      4. Query the TI_DELTA_CATENTRY temporary table to confirm the entries corresponding to the master catalog ID are resolved:
        select * from ti_delta_catentry
  4. View the STORE table to identify the store ID of the Madisons mobile starter store by running the following SQL statement:
    select * from store
    The store ID is the value of the STORE_ID column corresponding to the name of the store in the DIRECTORY column.
  5. View the CATALOG table to identify the catalog ID of the new mobile sales catalog by running the following SQL statement:
    select * from catalog
    The catalog ID is the value of the CATALOG_ID column corresponding to the name of the new sales catalog in the IDENTIFIER column.
  6. Inspect the Madisons mobile starter store to verify that the sales catalog changes are present by navigating to the following URL:
    • http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreView?storeId=mobileStoreID&catalogId=mobileCatalogID