Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Building the WebSphere Commerce search index

You can build the WebSphere Commerce search index by using the index building utility. The utility updates the information in the Master Index by using the Data Import Handler (DIH) service to build the index. It builds the index either partially through delta index updates or completely through full index builds. When there are multiple indexes, for example, each language by using its own separate index, the index is built multiple times.

Before you begin

  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperEnsure that the test server is started in Rational Application Developer.
  • Ensure that your administrative server is started. For example:
    • If WebSphere Commerce is managed by WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the deployment manager and all node agents. Your cluster can also be started.
    • If WebSphere Commerce is not managed by WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the WebSphere Application Server server1.
  • Completed the following task, Preprocessing the WebSphere Commerce search index data.
  • Ensure that you can visit Solr over HTTP, for example:
    • WebSphere Commerce Developerhttp://host_name/solr/Default/select?q=*%3A*
      Introduced in Feature Pack 3Note: To index site content, do one of the following tasks:
      • Set autoIndex to true in the droidConfig.xml file when crawling.
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperPass the -basePath -storeId -localename parameters to the di-buildindex utility.
    • http://host_name:3737/solr/Default/select?q=*%3A*


  1. Complete one of the following tasks:
    • SolarisLinuxAIXLog on as a WebSphere Commerce non-root user.
    • For IBM i OS operating systemLog on with a user profile that has *SECOFR authority.
    • WindowsLog on with a user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    • WC_installdir/bin
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\bin
  3. Run the index building utility:
    • Windows
      di-buildindex.bat -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId [-localename localename]
      [-indextype indextype] [-indexSubType indexSubType]
      -dbuser dbuser -dbuserpwd dbuserpwd [-fullbuild true | false] [-statusInterval statusInterval] 
      [-storeId storeId] [-webcontentDelete true | false] 
      [-solrConnTimeout solrConnTimeout] [-soTimeout soTimeout] [-workspace workspaceId] [-retries retries] 
      [-passwordFile passwordFile] [-restartTime restartTime]
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIX -instance instance_name -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId [-localename localename]
      [-indextype indextype] [-indexSubType indexSubType]
      -dbuser dbuser -dbuserpwd dbuserpwd [-fullbuild true | false] [-statusInterval statusInterval] 
      [-storeId storeId] [-webcontentDelete true | false] 
      [-solrConnTimeout solrConnTimeout] [-soTimeout soTimeout] [-workspace workspaceId] [-retries retries] 
      [-passwordFile passwordFile] [-restartTime restartTime]
    • WebSphere Commerce Developer
      • di-buildindex.bat -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId [-indextype indextype]
      • Introduced in Feature Pack 3Apache DerbyApache Derby supports only one database connection, you must provide more parameters to build the web content index subtype:
        di-buildindex.bat -masterCatalogId masterCatalogId [-localename localename]
        [-indextype indextype] [-indexSubType indexSubType] [-webcontentDelete true | false] 
        [-basePath basePath] [-storeId -storeId]
    The name of the WebSphere Commerce instance with which you are working (for example, demo).
    WebSphere Commerce DeveloperThe instance name is optional in WebSphere Commerce Developer.
    Required: The ID of the master catalog (for example, 10101).
    If you do not know the master catalog ID, run the following SQL:
    SQL: select * from catalog where IDENTIFIER='STORE_IDENTIFIER'
    To find the master catalog ID for an Extended Site store:
    1. Find the store ID:
      select * from storeent where IDENTIFIER='STORE_IDENTIFIER'
    2. Use the storeent_id as the store_id in the following SQL to find the catalog asset store ID of this Extended Site store:
      select * from storerel where store_id=XXXXXX and streltyp_id=-4 and relatedstore_id not in (XXXXXX)
      Where XXXXXX is the storeent_id from the SQL in step 3.a when building the search index.
    3. Get the master catalog ID:
      select * from storecat where storeent_id=YYYYYY and mastercatalog='1'
      Where YYYYYY is the relatedstore_id from step 3.b when building the search index.
    Optional: The locale to index.
    • All
    • en_US
    • fr_FR
    • de_DE
    • it_IT
    • es_ES
    • pt_BR
    • zh_CN
    • zh_TW
    • ko_KR
    • ja_JP
    • ru_RU
    • ro_RO
    • pl_PL
    The default value is All.
    Optional: Indicates the search engine index to set up for a more granular level of indexing.
    Valid values:
    • Feature Pack 2 CatalogEntry: Sets up the index for catalog entries in the master catalog.
    • Introduced in Feature Pack 3CatalogGroup: Sets up the index for categories in the master catalog.

      If you do not use the indextype parameter, both the CatalogEntry and CatalogGroup indexes are built by default.

    Introduced in Feature Pack 3indexSubType
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3Optional: Indicates the search engine index subtypes to set up.
    Valid values:
    Sets up the index for structured content.
    Sets up the index for unstructured content.
    Sets up the index for site content.
    Feature Pack 6 or laterInventory
    Feature Pack 6 or laterSets up the index for inventory data.

    If you do not use the indexSubType parameter, the Structured, Unstructured, and WebContent index subtypes are built by default. If you set the indextype to be CatalogGroup, you can set the indexSubType to be Structured. You can set any indexSubType value when you set CatalogEntry to be the indextype value.

    Required for DB2 and Oracle databases:

    DB2The name of the user who is connecting to the database.

    OracleThe user ID connecting to the database.

    Optional for Derby databases.

    Required for DB2 and Oracle databases: The password for the user who is connecting to the database.

    Feature Pack 8Alternatively, you can use the passwordFile parameter to specify the encrypted password from a file.

    Optional for Derby databases.

    Optional: A flag that indicates whether it is a full index build. The accepted values are either true or false. The default value is true.
    Optional: The interval in milliseconds that the utility uses to check the index building status. The default value is 10,000 milliseconds.
    Note: If it takes too long to index many languages, reduce the status interval to a lower value.
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3WebSphere Commerce DeveloperbasePath
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3WebSphere Commerce DeveloperOptional: A list of directories which contains the manifest.txt file for web content. For instance, WCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\WebContent\Madisons\StaticContent\en_US is for the Madisons starter store in United States English.

    In Extended Sites, if different Extended Site stores have their own pages to index, multiple directories are passed into -basePath separated by a comma. In this case, the -storeId must be provided, with the order of the storeIds according to the order of the basePath.

    Optional: The user name of the search server. This parameter is required if WebSphere Application Security is enabled for WebSphere Commerce search.
    Optional: The password of the search server user. This parameter is required if WebSphere Application Security is enabled for WebSphere Commerce search.
    Feature Pack 5 or latersolrConnTimeout
    Feature Pack 5 or laterOptional: The time in milliseconds that the Solr connection stays open before it times out. The default value is 100 milliseconds. Use this parameter if you encounter timeout issues when you run the di-buildindex utility.
    Feature Pack 5 or latersoTimeout
    Feature Pack 5 or laterOptional: The time in milliseconds that the socket read stays open before it times out. Use this parameter if you encounter timeout issues when you run the di-buildindex utility.
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3storeId
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3Optional: Used with basePath, in Extended Sites, if different Extended Site stores have their own pages to index, multiple directories are passed into -basePath separated by a comma. In this case, the -storeId must be provided, with the order of the storeIds according to the order of the basePath.
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3webcontentDelete
    Introduced in Feature Pack 3Optional: A flag to indicate whether WebSphere Commerce search deletes the site content index. For instance, to delete and rebuild the current site content index: Run the di-buildindex utility, specify webcontentDelete= true, then rerun the di-buildindex utility and specify webcontentDelete = false.

    The default value is false.

    Feature Pack 5 or laterworkspace
    Feature Pack 5 or laterOptional: The workspace index to build. This value is case-sensitive. If specified, the specified workspace index is built. If not specified, the base schema index is built. The default value is to build the base schema index.
    To get the workspace ID, either:
    • Open the workspace in the Workspace Management tool in the Management Center. The workspace code is the workspace ID; or
    • If the workspace has an active task group, run the following SQL query: select * from cmwsschema, where the workspace ID is listed under the workspace column.
    Feature Pack 5 or laterOracledbURL
    Feature Pack 5 or laterOracle1 The database URL the utility uses to connect to the database. If not provided, the utility constructs a database URL based on the default database value.
    Feature Pack 6 or laterretries
    Feature Pack 6 or laterOptional: Indicates the number of times the utility retries sending a status command check to the Solr server before indicating that the di-buildindex utility has failed. Retries might help resolve minor issues during the index build. For example, to recover from temporary networking errors.

    You must apply the interim fix for APAR #JR49048 to use this parameter.

    Feature Pack 7 or laternumOfLangsParallel
    Feature Pack 7 or laterOptional: Indicates the number of languages to build in parallel. For example, indicating 2 results in the first two languages being built in parallel, followed by the next two when complete, until all languages are built. If not specified, all languages are built at the same time.

    You must apply the interim fix for APAR #JR53029 to use this parameter.

    Feature Pack 8passwordFile
    Feature Pack 8Optional: The full path to the file that contains the password for the user who is connecting to the database. For instance, C:\
    The file contains the following content:
    Where encrypted_pwd is the password that is encrypted with the wcs_encrypt utility.
    Feature Pack 8restartTime
    Feature Pack 8The restart time to begin invalidating the cache. The input pattern is MM/dd/yyyy_HH:mm:ss.
    Note: This parameter does not support Derby databases.

    The utility reports the status of the indexing progress that is based on the statusInterval parameter. By default, the utility print every 10 seconds how many documents were indexed in each index, how long the utility was running, and the current indexing status. After the utility completes, it reports how many documents were successfully indexed in each index, and which index build failed.

  4. Ensure that the utility runs successfully.
    If the utility runs successfully, the following message is displayed in the Command window:
    Data import process completed successfully with no errors.
    Also, inspect the following file for errors:
    • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir\logs\wc-dataimport-buildindex.log
    For more information about exit codes, see WebSphere Commerce search utility exit codes.

    If there is any error in the wc-dataimport-buildindex.log, you can find more information from Solr_profiledir/logs/solrServer/SystemOut.log

    To get more logging information, update the logging level from INFO to FINEST in the WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/config/dataimport/ file:
    # Default global logging level, INFO
    Feature Pack 7 or later
    # Default global logging level, INFO
    You can also increase the log file size and the number of log files. For instance:
    # Limiting size of output file in bytes:
    # Number of output files to cycle through
  5. Apache DerbyWebSphere Commerce DeveloperRestart the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

What to do next

After the search index builds, you can optionally replicate and propagate the WebSphere Commerce search index.
1 Feature Pack 5You must apply the interim fix for APAR #JR44514 to use this parameter.