Feature Pack 5

Create the JSP files for enabling the service for e-Marketing Spot folders

Feature Pack 5

In this lesson, you are customizing your Management Center user interface to call the service for returning folder information from the WebSphere Commerce web services. You are also registering your new JSP files into the Struts configuration.

Feature Pack 6 or laterAttention: This tutorial is based on the folder support that is included in Feature Pack 5 and is not recommended if you are on a newer feature pack level. Beginning with Feature Pack 6, support is provided by default for grouping e-Marketing Spots, activities, customer segments, marketing content, promotions, and attribute dictionary attributes. This support includes the capability of creating, changing, and deleting folders within the Management Center Catalogs, Marketing, and Promotions tools. You are not able to group folders created by following this tutorial with folders that are created by using Management Center. If you create Management Center folders by following the steps included in this tutorial, delete those folders before you create folders by using Management Center. For more information about folders, see Folders.

Feature Pack 7 or laterSupport is provided by default for grouping content pages and layouts in the Commerce Composer tool. This support includes creating, changing, and deleting folders with the Commerce Composer tool.

About this task

To customize your Management Center user interface to receive and display folder information, you must create JSP files for your folder information. You must register these folder JSP files into the Struts configuration before Management Center can retrieve and display folder information. By creating your folder JSP files and registering these files into the Struts configuration you are customizing your Management Center web application.

The JSP files that you are creating in this lesson are added into the WebSphere Commerce web Application. These JSP files connect the WebSphere Commerce web services to your Management Center user interface. For more information about how Management Center is constructed, see Management Center framework.

The Management Center web application acts as a mediator between the Management Center and WebSphere Commerce services. The Management Center web application converts requests and responses into the appropriate data type. When data is sent from the WebSphere Commerce Server to Management Center, the Management Center web application transforms nouns into the XML representation that is expected by Management Center. The JavaServer Pages (JSP) file that represents the Struts action forward is used to transform nouns into XML format.

For more information about how Management Center sends and receives data, see Management Center web application. For more information about creating JSP files, see working with JSP pages.


  1. Create the GetEMarketingSpotFolderItems.jsp JSP file:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > jsp > commerce > marketing.
    2. Right-click marketing; click New > File.
    3. For the File name, enter GetEMarketingSpotFolderItems.jsp.
    4. Click Finish. The GetEMarketingSpotFolderItems.jsp file opens.
    5. Click the Source tab.
    6. Add the following code into the new JSP file:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <%@page contentType="text/xml;charset=UTF-8"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="http://commerce.ibm.com/foundation" prefix="wcf"%>
            <wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${param.storeId}"/>
            <wcf:param name="uniqueID" value="${param.folderId}"/>     
            <c:set var="idList" value=""/>
            <c:set var="objectClass" value=""/>
            <c:forEach items="${folder.folderItem}" var="folderItem" varStatus="counter">
                        <c:when test="${counter.index == 0}">
                              <c:set var="objectClass" value="${folderItem.folderItemType}"/>
                              <c:set var="idList" value="${folderItem.referenceID}"/>
                                    <c:when test="${folderItem.folderItemType == objectClass}">
                                          <c:set var="idList" value="${idList}${','}${folderItem.referenceID}"/>                           
                                          <jsp:directive.include file="SerializeEMarketingSpotFolderItemReferences.jspf" />                               
                                          <c:set var="objectClass" value="${folderItem.folderItemType}"/>
                                          <c:set var="idList" value="${folderItem.referenceID}"/>
                  <c:if test="${counter.last}">
                        <jsp:directive.include file="SerializeEMarketingSpotFolderItemReferences.jspf" />
    7. Save your changes.
  2. Create the SerializeEMarketingSpotFolderItemReferences.jspf file:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > jsp > commerce > marketing.
    2. Right-click marketing; click New > File.
    3. For the File name, enter SerializeEMarketingSpotFolderItemReferences.jspf.
    4. Click Finish. The SerializeEMarketingSpotFolderItemReferences.jspf file opens.
    5. Click the Source tab.
    6. Add the following code into the new file:
      <c:if test="${objectClass == 'MarketingSpotType'}">
                     var="espots" expressionBuilder="findByUniqueIDs" varShowVerb="showVerb">
                     <c:forTokens var="value" items="${idList}" delims=",">
                           <wcf:param name="UniqueID" value="${value}" />
                     <wcf:param name="dataLanguageIds" value="${param.defaultLanguageId}"/> 
                     <wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${param.storeId}"/>
         <c:forEach var="spot" items="${espots}">
               <c:set var="showVerb" value="${showVerb}" scope="request"/>
               <c:set var="businessObject" value="${spot}" scope="request"/>
               <c:set var="referenceObjectType" value="EMarketingSpotFolderItemReference"/>
               <c:set var="owningStoreId" value="${param.storeId}"/>
               <c:if test="${param.storeId != spot.marketingSpotIdentifier.externalIdentifier.storeIdentifier.uniqueID}">
                     <c:set var="referenceObjectType" value="EMarketingSpotFolderInheritedItemReference"/>
                     <c:if test="${param.storeId != folder.folderIdentifier.storeIdentifier.uniqueID}">
                           <c:set var="referenceObjectType" value="InheritedEMarketingSpotFolderInheritedItemReference"/>
                           <c:set var="owningStoreId" value="${folder.folderIdentifier.storeIdentifier.uniqueID}"/>
               <object objectType="${referenceObjectType}" readonly="false">
                     <jsp:directive.include file="restricted/SerializeEMarketingSpot.jspf"/>

      This code calls the expression builder getFolderItemsByFolderId, which returns all the folder items in a folder. That service request returns a Folder noun with one FolderItem noun part for each e-Marketing Spot in the folder. The JSP then creates a list of all the unique IDs of the e-Marketing Spots in the folder. SerializeFolderItemReferences.jspf is called and in turn calls the findByUniqueIDs expression builder to return a list of e-Marketing Spots. These e-Marketing Spots have the unique IDs found in the list that returns from the folder service.

      Note: You can find the expression builder information in the file get-data-config.xml. Navigate to the LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\config\com.ibm.commerce.marketing directory to locate the file.
    7. Save your changes.
  3. Register the actions in the struts action configuration:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF
    2. Open the struts-extension.xml file.
    3. Click the Source tab.
    4. Add the following code to the XML file.
      <action path="/GetEMarketingSpotFolderItems" forward="/jsp/commerce/marketing/GetEMarketingSpotFolderItems.jsp"/>
    5. Save your changes.