Feature Pack 5Feature Pack 6

Enabling interim fix JR46224

Interim fix JR46224 reduces the amount of GetInventoryAvailability calls when the available INVAVL inventory quantity is below the configured threshold. For runtime environments, some files are updated automatically. However, you still need to complete some manual steps in the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus mediation module.

Before you begin

  • Feature Pack 5Install the cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 5, JR53048.fep. JR46224 is included in the cumulative interim fix.
  • Feature Pack 6Install the interim fix for JR46224.


  1. In the WID development environment, open the WIDInstallationDirectory\{ModuleWorkspace}\xslt\custom\MultiApiOutputToShowInventoryAvailability.xsl file.
  2. Find the occurrence of "<_inv:InventoryStatus>Unavailable</_inv:InventoryStatus>". This snippet is for the online store.
  3. Add the following code snippet after "<_inv:InventoryStatus>Unavailable</_inv:InventoryStatus>":
    <_inv:AvailableQuantity><xsl:attribute name="uom">C62</xsl:attribute>0</_inv:AvailableQuantity>