Application changes when you enable location-based services
Enabling location-based services makes changes to a number of files and database tables.
When you enable
location-based services:
- If you did not already have foundation enabled, all the application changes associated with enabling foundation occur.
- If you did not already have Management Center enabled, all the application changes associated with Management Center occur.
- Changes are made to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file.
- Changes are made to the database.
Changes to the EAR file when location-based services is enabled
The following changes occur:
- No files are deleted from the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
- Files are added to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
- Files are changed in the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
The following new
files or modules are added to the EAR
file after you enable location-based services.
- properties\version\install\\backup\componentmaps\componentmap.location-services.ejbs.server.db2.xml
- properties\version\install\\backup\componentmaps\
- properties\version\install\\backup\componentmaps\
- properties\version\install\\backup\componentmaps\componentmap.location-services.server.70.xml
- properties\version\install\\backup\location-services.ejbs.server.db2\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\location-services.server.70\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\nif.componentmap.location-services.ejbs.server.db2\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\nif.componentmap.location-services.server.70\files.list
- properties\version\install\\backup\\files.list
- properties\version\location-services.ejbs.server.db2.component
- properties\version\
- properties\version\location-services.server.70.component
- xml\config\\
- xml\config\\wc-business-object-mediator.xml
- xml\config\\wc-component-client.xml
- xml\config\\wc-component.xml
- xml\config\\wc-object-relational-metadata.xml
- xml\config\\wc-query-ClientLocation-get.tpl
- xml\config\\wc-query-ClientLocation-update.tpl
- xml\config\\wc-query-PointOfInterest-get.tpl
- xml\config\\wc-query-PointOfInterest-update.tpl
- Celadon-Common-DataObjects.jar
- Celadon-Common-Utils.jar
- Celadon-Core-Client.jar
- Celadon-Core-DataObjects.jar
Files changed in the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
following existing files are changed in the WebSphere Commerce EAR
- META-INF\ibmconfig\cells\defaultCell\applications\defaultApp\deployments\defaultApp\deployment.xml
- META-INF\application.xml
- META-INF\ibm-application-runtime.props
- xml\config\wc-server.xml
Changes to the database when location-based services is enabled
New tables
Enabling location-based
services creates the following new tables:
Existing tables
Enabling location-based services does not alter any existing tables.
New indexes
location-based services creates the following new indexes:
- I0001438
- I0001437
- I0001434
- I0001436
- I0001435
New triggers
Enabling location-based services does not create any new triggers.
New keys
location-based services creates the following key:
- F_3713