WebSphere Commerce Version

Cumulative interim fixes for Fix Pack 8

The following cumulative interim fixes are available for WebSphere Commerce Fix Pack 8.

Each individual iFix and cumulative iFix package contains a different readme file. Each readme file might include specific installation instructions. For example:
  • Some iFixes might require manual modifications to source code after you install the fix
  • For runtime environments, some iFixes might be applicable to the base WebSphere Commerce product only and not the instance.
You do not need database access to install an iFix because these fixes do not make any database changes during installation. However, some iFixes might require that you manually update the database to enable the fix after installation. Review the readme file to ensure that you install and enable the interim fix successfully.
Every subsequent cumulative package release contains all fixes from the previous cumulative package. Therefore, you need to install only the latest cumulative interim fix to obtain all the interim fixes that are listed. The latest cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 8 is JR52306.fp.

Fix Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 2

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR52306.fp This Cumulative Interim Fix 2 includes all the fixes that were released for Fix Pack 8 up to February 27, 2015. This Cumulative Interim Fix 2 also includes all the fixes from Cumulative Interim Fix 1. The following table contains a list of fixes created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 1.
Note: Any additional Fix Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after February 27, 2015 require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional fix pack APAR fixes
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 1 and are included in this Cumulative Interim Fix 2 (JR52306.fp).
Category APAR Problem Description
Analytics JR52047 By default, you cannot change the way WebSphere Commerce calculates shipping or unit price values for Analytics.
JR51713 Multiple analytics providers are not properly supported.
Authoring and Staging JR52311 Enhancement to enable customers to propagate a subset of data within tables during staging propagation through filters.
JR52248 The stagingprop utility does not output diagnostic information to the log file when an unexpected error occurs.
JR52227 Stagingcopy utility does not compare the schema levels between staging and production and report a message if the two are not synchronized.
JR51608 The stagingprop and stagingcopy utilities require passwords to be passed in the command line.
JR51279 Error with customized path for customers who enable workspaces with the approveForeignKeyViolationAction setting.
JR50514 Using special characters for database passwords might cause file from -script_file option of StagingCopy utility to not run correctly
JR49653 After you apply JR48772, Quick Publish times out when there is too much data. Quick Publish also fails with a ResourceException when you publish a delete statement as explained in JR49347.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR52249 Cannot assign products to a sales category that was found through search in Management Center.
JR52242 Data Load utility cannot handle creation of attribute values in multiple languages in a single invocation.
JR52234 Cannot restore category version in workspace.
JR52605 Cannot preview files if the file name contains special characters
JR52092 CatalogGroupMediator deletes categories that have child categories.
JR51792 Cache frequently executed TERMCOND query.
JR51679 Incorrect contract pricing logic.
JR51556 Web service returns Merchandising Associations that might contain catalog entries that are marked for deletion.
JR51428 Updating an assigned value for a shared attribute for a catalog entry results in invalid store ID association.
JR51427 IndexOutOfBoundsException error occurs when you change the sequence of defining attributes.
JR51278 You might encounter a unique constraint error when you use the Data Load utility to create a catalog entry and assign attribute values at the same time.
JR51142 Enhancement: Performance improvements that are related to contract entitled price calculation.
JR51140 Unable to use Management Center to update FIELD1 - 3 of the FACET table.
JR50913 Change History is not correctly recorded when assigning catalog entry attributes.
JR50628 TradingAgreementAccessBean.findEntitledTradingAgreementByTypeForBuyerUnderStore is not cached.
JR50613 Long UTF-8 predefined Attribute Values are not being saved correctly in Management Center.
JR46915 Data Load or uploading new categories does not update linked relationships in sales catalog.
IT05823 Improve caching in ResolveSkuNewCmdImpl method.
Data Load and other loading tools JR52261 Catalog Upload missing ID resolve errors in Summary Report with *=severe logging level.
JR52244 Utilities might fail to connect to DB2 databases that have underscore ( _ ) character in the name.
JR52400 Enhancement: New configuration to obtain Business Context from additional configuration context for catalog data load.
JR52243 idresgen utility does not exit with an error code if it fails to resolve any identifiers.

Security fix:

fileloader utility script requires the password to be passed on command line.
JR52001 Enhancement: Provides an "Offline Cleanup Mode" for dbclean utility.
JR51847 Full-select deletes in the dbclean utility can lead to excessive locking.
JR51732 Error logging cannot be disabled for the Data Load utility.
JR51724 Enhancement: Enables input of command-line parameters as key/value pairs from a file with support for encrypted values.
JR51605 Enhancement: Ability to specify a file on command-line that stores passwords in encrypted form for use by the dbclean utility.
JR51280 Catalog Upload fails with "DSRA9110E: Statement is closed" error.
JR51265 Data load utility fails to generate an alternate URL keyword for a category when it encounters a duplicate category name.
JR51034 When you use the Data Load utility to load SEO information for categories or catalog entries, entry in the SEOURLKEYWORD table is missing.
JR50748 Data Load utility reports error when attributes for multiple languages are provided in the same input file record.
JR49228 Swedish locale is not properly supported in Data Load, leading to truncated "double" fields in the database.
JR46729 Enhancement: Adds the new mediator files to Data Load utility so that users can use the new SEO-related mediators.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR52328 Adds automatic installation action calls that are required for search maintenance. Reduces the need for installers to perform manual steps.
JR52238 Enable successful log creation during updateDB.
JR524891 Updates nifstack.xml file with the APARs that are included in this Fix Pack 8 cumulative interim fix.
JR51968 The updatedb utility requires password to be passed in the command line.
JR51668 WASProfileStartingPort in createInstance.properties file is changed back to default value after feature enablement.
JR51416 Missing JNDI Name in GUI Config Client on Transports Inbound and Outbound Page.
JR50832 Workspace approval with approveUniqueViolationAction enabled causes Index out of bounds exception.
JR52398 Poor performance in access control relationship evaluation.
Marketing and Promotions JR52334 Backport Configuration Actions for JR51059.
JR52333 Provides automated installation of JR49905
JR52332 Throw error for duplicate file paths on create of managed file.
JR52246 ItemSortingComparisonFilter does not sort correctly when the input values are not presorted from high to low.
JR52193 Action buttons next to the Scheduled Content table do not appear correctly on Internet Explorer 10 or 11.
JR52192 Action buttons next to the Campaign Activities table do not appear correctly on Internet Explorer 10 or 11.
JR52147 Coupon is not restored after checkout when promotion purchase condition is not met.
JR52125 Timeout exceptions might appear in the logs when the nightly SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job is run.
JR52035 DuplicateKeyException might be thrown when a shopper logs on.
JR51997 A NullPointerException is thrown when the store attempts to apply a "Buy Product X and Get Product Y free" promotion type.
JR51982 Dialog activity does not work as expected on a clustered environment.
JR51839 The method AdvancedPromotionEngine.createPromotionContext needs to support setting the active date for evaluation.
JR51800 Promotion start time might not render correctly within the Promotions tool after reloading.
JR51771 ListMemberGroupsForCurrentUserCmdImpl command might return incorrect member groups.
JR51650 Enhancement: Support invalidating e-Marketing Spot REST cache entries.
JR51579 Per-unit discount calculations might result in incorrect item subtotal calculations.
JR51458 Allow CouponListDataBean to return the correct status.
JR51272 Unexpected promotion discount is given when multiple subtotal-based promotions apply to an order.
JR51141 Number of orders and revenue statistics are not updated for Marketing experiments.
JR51059 Promotion registry is not refreshed immediately after quick publish to production environment.
JR50747 e-Marketing Spot recommendations do not appear on the storefront for newly created e-Marketing Spots.
JR50727 Coupon expired message appears when a shopper attempts to use a coupon that is not activated.
JR50684 When an e-Marketing Spot is renamed, the e-Marketing Spot recommendations do not appear on the store page.
JR46500 Enhancement: Improve ShopcartDrivenAgendaBuilder cache hits.
Member and Session Management JR52240 Potential cross-site scripting vulnerability in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
JR52231 Encounter HTTP 500 Error when administrators search for customers on WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
JR52230 Potential cross-site scripting vulnerability in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
JR52229 Potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Administration Console.
JR52228 Cannot approve organization and user approval requests at the same time.
JR52168 LDAPUserSyncCmdImpl trace is not dynamic.
JR52166 BuyerRegistrationAddCmd creates a ClassCastException error.
JR51602 Encounter cookie errors when AES merchant key is used.
JR50763 Slow response time of organization search in Organization Administration Console.
JR50689 Punch-out requests fail with _ERR_PROCUREMENT_INVALID_SUPPLIER_COOKIE error.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR52241 Provides a SupplierCookie maxRetries configuration so that punch-out requests do not fail due to insufficient wait time.
JR51824 Cannot use dynamic kit product in promotions.
JR52320 Physical store name is missing in the "Available In-Store" field
JR52369 Password reset email does not use the shopper's Preferred language setting.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR52245 Enhancement: Updates the "Insufficient inventory" message when a shopper attempts to place an order.
JR52226 InventoryConfigurationCache traces methods are incorrect.
JR52407 TotalTaxByTaxCategory does not return correct shipping tax information.
JR52217 "Not equals" in inventory rule does not work.
JR52195 Calculation registry indirect attachment memory footprint reduction
JR52099 ShippingModeCache returns incorrect shipping modes when there are two concurrent cache misses for different stores.
JR52068 RMATAX table is not populated for each RMAITEM_ID part of the order.
JR52058 Order search by "SKU" is not working for non-ATP inventory systems.
JR51793 Extend ATPInventoryPerformanceParameters to all database types.
JR51610 INVENTORYFLAGS set to "nocheck" is not respected and shows out of stock when added to cart.
JR51413 When PARMTYPE is set to 1, percentage shipping adjustment is calculated, instead of calculating fixed adjustment.
JR51290 PARMTYPE=1 in CALADJUST table gives a percentage shipping adjustment, instead of the expected fixed shipping adjustment.
JR51133 The Order Summary page incorrectly states the order status when the piAmount is less than the order total.
JR51086 Access control issues for customized storefronts that use Sync Inventory to validate inventory availability.
JR51048 InvalidDataException error occurs when the system attempts to process a refund for multiple order items in reverse order in a partial shipment.
JR51007 Cannot view another user's shared requisition list.
JR50740 Payments cannot be processed during daylight savings change.
JR50712 Cannot select billing and shipping addresses for customers due to NullPointerException error.
JR50683 Security fix related to payments.
Programming Framework JR51494 Store preview stops working if a non-standard port number is used.
Runtime JR52331 Failed to run ConfigureCommerceServer subtarget separately
JR52330 User is unable to sign in to a store after an organization is approved.
JR52247 Remember me (Persistent session) flow is broken.
JR52446 Enables invalidationJobInterval data cache setting for the WebSphere Commerce server.
JR52329 Potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Accelerator.
JR52444 SocketTimeoutException error occurs in stores with entitlement.
JR52239 RSAR errors are detected in ECOrganizationQuery.java and ECUserQuery.java
JR52237 Java documentation was updated to provide more information to describe method signature and function in SchemaSpec.java, DB2Local2Global.java, and UpdateUserAuths.java.
JR52235 RSAR errors are detected in SolrQueryParameters.java
JR52167 Reduces the memory that is used by the OrgEntityManageDataBean, which is used by the Organization Administration Console.
JR52033 Enhancement: Provide option to disable caches for REST requests.
JR51779 DBClean utility fails on AS400 System.
JR51586 Unable to reset password of a user that exists only in database when the site is configured to use LDAP.
JR51324 Security fix related to HTTP response splitting.
JR51102 Non-SEO URLs use the shortened context root, which produces unexpected results.
JR51053 After upgrading to IBM Java 1.6 SR16, you encounter decryption errors.
JR50967 Resolve cross-site scripting issues in the Organization Administration Console.
JR50754 Resolve cross-site scripting issues in the Organization Administration Console.
JR50691 Enhancement: Supports different persistent cookie expiry times for guests and registered shoppers.
JR50677 Slow performance using administration tools.
JR50674 Queries with certain table names in them are not automatically cached.
Search JR51818 Error occurs on the first in-context preview request in Management Center.
JR51723 Unable to search with double-byte characters.
JR52418 After you apply JR49929, SearchNavigation cache does not work.
JR51606 Enhancement: Can specify a custom password file to store encrypted password for the IndexProp utility.
JR50762 Running the dataextract utility with trace enabled results in java.lang.StackOverflowError.
JR50755 Enhancement: Can specify a custom password file to store encrypted passwords for the di-buildindex and di-preprocess utilities.
JR50749 Enhancement: Provides a new Helper to query invalidation IDs from CACHEIVL table.
JR50129 di-preprocess and di-buildindex utilities can take a long time for large catalogs.
JR47425 Replace synonym expansion for AND case with a more compact form.
JR46543 Enhancement: Improved SEO-related performance.
JR42126 Requests that contain search profiles are routed to search mediator framework even when search-based navigation is disabled.
Stores and Mobile JR51748 Preview might fail on Linux for files with the "+" symbol in the file name.
JR51134 Incorrect custom URLs are generated in the sitemap XML when the HostName parameter is specified.
JR49600 Sorting gift registry results by "EVENTDATE DESC" fails.
JR52513 Updates getOnlineStoreType to leverage cache
JR46920 Configure data cache to delay after invalidations are sent to specified object caches.

Fix Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 1

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR50553.fp This cumulative interim fix 1 includes a set of fixes for Fix Pack 8. See the following table for the full list of fixes that are included in this cumulative interim fix.
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that are included in this cumulative interim fix JR50553.fp.
Category APAR Problem Description
Authoring and Staging JR49715 Adds better diagnostic reporting to StagingProp for Oracle JDBC batch failures.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR50348 Minimizes a potential performance issue by limiting the number of data cache invalidations when the SaveAccountCmdImpl command is run.
JR49762 Improves the performance and memory utilization of coordinator price rules.
JR49725 Corrects a NullPointeException error that is caused by adding an item of type PackageBean to the cart when the item has no defining attributes.
Data Load and other loading tools JR50437 Corrects an issue where the wrong catalogId is set CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship is used to load parent-child relationships between categories and catalog entries.
JR50455 Corrects an issue where during a catalog upload, the already processed records are not rolled back when an error is encountered.
JR49819 Corrects an issue that is encountered when an error is encountered when XML data is loaded with dataload and maxError is set to values greater than 1.
JR50509 Corrects an issue where dataload or catalog upload causes data corruption when existing attributes are loaded for a second time and supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes is set to false.
JR50552 Corrects an issue when dataload is used with an ID resolver cache size greater than 0 on Oracle databases.
JR50195 Corrects a NullPointerException error that is encountered by dataload when it is used to load SEO properties in multiple languages.
JR49710 Corrects an issue with dataload where double-byte data shows up as '???' in the database.
JR50043 Enables the use of the shareAssignedAttributeValues option in dataload and catalog upload, reducing the overhead of duplications in the ATTRVAL and ATTRVALDESC tables.
JR49916 Corrects an issue with dataload file difference preprocessing where the first non-header row is converted into a header row in the output.
JR49546 Improves dataload performance when attribute values are loaded into a workspace environment.
JR49551 Corrects duplicate key exception errors with dataload that occur when urlkeywords are loaded for categories if multiple categories have the same name.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR49792 Corrects a path in the Updatedb.sh script for use on IBM i environments.
JR49296 Corrects an issue with WebSphere Commerce Build and Deployment delta deployment, where the tool fails to copy changes in files with file names with white space.
JR49747 Corrects a potential Fix Pack 8 installation error where the UpdateDB utility fails due to a missing database name or password within the instance_name.xml.
Marketing and Promotions JR50507 Adds a configuration parameter that can be used to remove all promotions that are sorted into promotion folders from being displayed in the main promotions list.
JR50158 Corrects an issue where a category-level promotion is still applied to products from a category after the category itself is deleted.
JR50130 This fix allows customers to modify the behavior of the buy catalog entries from category X and get additional catalog entries from category X at percentage off promotion type, allowing it to be applied to the lowest priced qualifying item, instead of the highest.
JR50098 Corrects an issue where a promotion is not applied as expected when a custom filter is applied.
JR49905 Corrects an issue where new promotion codes are not pushed to the live database when quick publish is used, and old promotion codes that were deleted continue to work.
JR49825 Corrects an issue where a static e-Marketing Spot is not consumed by its parent page when that parent page's parent page is not being cached.
JR49493 Resolves an issue where daily marketing emails are not being sent to customers with abandoned carts.
JR49477 Resolves an issue where a single-time use promotion code can be applied multiple times as an anonymous user.
JR49283 Resolves BatchUpdateException errors that appear when marketing activities that track user behavior are run, leading to incorrect results from web and dialog activities.
JR49116 Enhances the Marketing tool to allow for a promotion with a coupon redemption method to be used in a web activity's Recommend Promotion action with marketing content that uses the "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion" click action.
Member and Session Management JR50350 Allows for the modification of site behavior so that users who timeout are not automatically redirected to the log in page, but are allowed to continue on the storefront as guests.
JR49545 Corrects an issue where guest sessions are not being properly authenticated through the Process Person service.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR50191 Corrects a NullPointerException error that is encountered when manually composing an order transfer message in the event the storeId is not specified or is specified as 0.
JR49362 Corrects an issue where all products are displayed with Sterling Configurator when launched from Management Center, irrespective of entitlement.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR50501 Corrects an InvalidDataException error that is encountered when a refund is processed for items in an order that is different from the order in which they were shipped.
JR49781 Corrects the output of OrderItemDisplayCmd when it is used to return a list of out of stock items.
JR49748 Allows customers the ability to extend PaymentEventListenerImpl for customization.
JR49612 Corrects an issue with the ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreementAddressBookIDs() method where it returns both shipping and billing addresses when the requested address is shipping.
JR50310 Corrects an issue where final payments are not fully deposited if they are adjusted beyond the originally approved amount.
JR50254 Provides access to the Messaging configData object to allow for modification of notification email properties such as sender, recipient, and carbon copy (CC) recipient.
JR50104 Extends support of ATPInventoryPerformance lockitemSpecEnabled to database types other than Oracle.
JR50024 Changes OrderCloseCmdImpl.processOrder() to be protected instead of private so it can be customized.

Security fix:

Implements controls for an exposed order web services parameter that might be used for a denial of service attack (DoS).
JR49530 Several private order methods were converted to protected mode so that the methods can be customized.
JR49247 Switches ProductInventoryUpdateCmdImpl from using optimistic to pessimistic concurrency control due to the potential for errors to occur due to the frequency of database updates.
Programming Framework JR49998 Improves access control relationship evaluation to reduce memory and processor load when the current user of WebSphere Commerce Administration Console has many roles in an organization that has many descendant organizations.
Runtime JR50438 Corrects an issue where two-step database queries can fail when the usePrimaryKeyValues parameter is set to false.
JR50373 Resolves a recursive error that is caused by the ExtendedErrorInfo logging component that throws an exception when it attempts and fails to decrypt encrypted request parameters.
JR50206 Corrects an issue where a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) error page is incorrectly displayed after a legitimate login.
JR50131 Implements improvements to clear-all cache invalidations for customers who are integrated with WXS and use the Near Cache feature.
JR49685 Corrects an issue where in some instances during server startup, WebSphere Application Server experiences a Java deadlock.

Security fix:

Updates component services so they can be configured to return generic error messages instead of messages that might contain potentially sensitive information.
JR49999 Corrects an issue where the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console does not reflect the status of registries correctly.
JR49558 Corrects a NullPointerException error that is caused by the MultiClickRequestHandler.
JR49568 Corrects unexpected site behavior that is observed when ServiceLogger trace is enabled.
SE59015 Corrects an issue where Quick Publish activities are not marked as processed after Quick Publish is run.

Security fix:

Adds Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection to more commands.
JR49925 Implements a new scheduler job parameter, delayBaseCacheMilliseconds, for the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduler job, to specify the number of milliseconds to delay sending an invalidation ID to the baseCache servlet cache instance.

Security fix:

Removes exposed error details from shopper error pages on non-developer environments.
Sales Center JR50041 Implements caching for Tickler objects, improving performance.
Search JR50161 Corrects an issue where search is disabled after Fix Pack 8 is applied.
JR49784 Implements compliance with the locale REST parameter on the WebSphere Commerce search server.
JR49920 Corrects an issue where stale search results are returned as cache invalidations (entries in the CACHEIVL table) are processed over a long period.
JR49944 Corrects an issue with the query used with exact match synonyms when one synonym value is a subset of another larger synonym.
JR49835 Enables multiple contract support on the WebSphere Commerce search server.
JR49587 Allows for the manual configuration of the entitlement flow that is used for environments with JR49158 and JR48850 also applied.
JR49888 Improves the speed of delta indexing by removing deep category cache invalidation before any catalog entry is updated.
Stores and Mobile JR49902 Corrects an issue with store preview where a 404 error is displayed instead of the expected store page when the configured SEO shortened context root is a substring of the store context path.
JR49311 Corrects an issue where store preview results in 404 errors that are caused by incorrectly generated URLs when the store is using a shortened context root of "/".
1 denotes APAR fixes or enhancements that were created by IBM to supplement other APARs. No further information will be provided.