Configuring the external OMS simulator mediation module on WebSphere Integration Developer

The external OMS simulator mediation module is configured to communicate with WebSphere Integration Developer.

WebSphere Commerce Developer


  1. In WebSphere Commerce Developer, start the WebSphere Commerce test server.
  2. In WebSphere Integration Developer, create a workspace.
  3. Import as a project interchange into the workspace.
  4. Import the Foundation-Core.jar and Foundation-Server.jar files.
    1. Right-click the ExtOMSSimMediationModule project.
    2. Click Properties > Java EE Module Dependencies.
    3. Set the project as a dependent Java project. In the Dependencies section of the mediation module project, select the following projects:
      • Foundation-Core.jar
      • Foundation-Server.jar
      Click OK.
  5. Go to the Business Integration view, expand ExtOMSSimMediationModule. Double-click Assembly Diagram to open it.
  6. In the diagram, right-click the ExtOMSSim and select Show in Properties.
  7. In the Properties view, select the Binding tab and change the endpoint address to the following URL: http://hostname:9980/ExtOMSSimWeb/services/ExtOMSSim
  8. Save the changes.
  9. Select the Servers view. Right-click WebSphere ESB Server 6.1 and select Start.
  10. After the server starts and synchronizes, right-click the server and select Add and Remove Projects.
  11. Add the mediation module to the server by selecting ExtOMSSimMediationModuleApp and clicking Add. Click Finish and wait for the mediation module to publish and the server to synchronize.
  12. Go to the Business Integration view, expand Web Service Ports > wsdl.
  13. Right-click InventoryServices_InventoryServicesPortTypeHttpPort and select Web Services > Test with Web Services Explorer.
  14. Go to the Actions view and select the GetInventoryAvailability web services operation.
  15. Switch to the source view by clicking Source.
  16. Replace the message body with the following code snippet:
          <q1:Expression expressionLanguage="_wcf:XPath">      
              and OnlineStoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier[(NameIdentifier='Madisons')]]]</q1:Expression>

    Click Go.

  17. Go to the Status view and switch to the source view by clicking Source.

    Confirm that the SOAP response envelope is similar to the following code snippet:

      <soapenv:Header /> 
    <xinv:ShowInventoryAvailability xmlns:_wcf="" 
      <oa:CreationDateTime xsi:type="udt:DateTimeType">2008-10-24T20:15:37Z</oa:CreationDateTime> 
      <xinv:InventoryStatus xsi:type="xinv:InventoryStatusEnumerationType">Available</xinv:InventoryStatus> 
      <xinv:AvailableQuantity uom="C62">100.0</xinv:AvailableQuantity> 
  18. Stop the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus server.
  19. Stop the WebSphere Commerce test server.