Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Indexing a new language in WebSphere Commerce search

You can add a language to be indexed in WebSphere Commerce search, so that the search utilities, storefront, and Management Center can recognize more required locales.

WebSphere Commerce provides templates and samples for the following locales and languages:
Translated languages
Language & Country or Region Identifier
English (United States) en_US
French (France) fr_FR
German (Germany) de_DE
Italian (Italy) it_IT
Spanish (Spain) es_ES
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR
Chinese-simplified (China) zh_CN
Chinese-traditional (Taiwan) zh_TW
Korean (Korea, South) ko_KR
Japanese (Japan) ja_JP
Russian (Russia) ru_RU
Romanian (Romania) ro_RO
Polish (Poland) pl_PL
To add these languages to a store:
  1. Add support for the language to a store using the Store Management tool in the Management Center.
  2. Complete the steps outlined in this task to add a new language to be indexed.
  3. Complete the What to do next tasks to index the new language.
Note: If you want to index an already-supported language, you need only add the language to your store using the Store Management tool in the Management Center. Then run the setupSearchIndex utility.

If more languages are added and supported for your WebSphere Commerce instance, for example, Arabic (ar_EG), you must create the locale-specific assets accordingly.

Before you begin

Ensure that you complete the following task:


  1. Perform the following steps for the following files:
    • WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CatalogEntry/conf/locale
    • WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CatalogEntry/unstructured/conf/locale
    • WC_installdir/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/solr/home/template/CatalogGroup/conf/locale
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\solr\home\template\CatalogEntry\conf\locale
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\solr\home\template\CatalogEntry\unstructured\conf\locale
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\solr\home\template\CatalogGroup\conf\locale
  2. Create a folder for your locale.
    For example, fr_BE indicates a French language locale for Belgium.
  3. Create the necessary files for your new locale directory.
    1. If your language is already included in the existing locale files, you can copy the files from the original locale directory.
      For example, fr_FR, to the new directory, fr_BE.
    2. If your language is not included in the existing locale files, you can use the file names and structure from another locale as a sample for its supported structure and organization.
      For example, when you are using another language in WebSphere Commerce such as Arabic (ar_EG).
  4. Open the schema.xml file and check if the tokenizer and filter factory are suitable for the language.
    For example, ensure that the rules apply for your preferred Language & Country or Region's Identifier. If necessary, save your changes and close the file.
  5. Optional: If there are any stop words for the language, create a file, stopwords.txt under the new directory for the schema.xml file. Save your changes and close the file.
  6. Feature Pack 7 or later Open the foundation component configuration file wc-component.xml in the directory Search_eardir/xml/config/ Add your locale to the Search EAR within the <_config:valuemappingservice> section of the file.
    For example:
    <_config:valuemapping externalName="Locale" internalName="langId">
       <_config:valuemap externalValue="locale" internalValue="internal_identifier"/>
    For more information, see Changing properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml) (Search EAR).

What to do next

After you add a language to be indexed, complete the following tasks: