You can disable WebSphere Commerce
foundation by running the disablement script.
About this task
- When foundation is enabled, component-specific
rows are extracted from the existing CMDREG table and saved to a file.
They are extracted during enablement, immediately before updates are
applied to the CMDREG table. When foundation is disabled, the data
is restored from that backup file so that the table is restored to
its pre-enablement state.
In some cases, there may be multiple backup files.
For example, this can occur in the following circumstances:
- if
you have switched databases
- If you have enabled foundation
multiple times
- If you have enabled multiple versions of the
foundation feature
When there are multiple backup files,
the disablement process
uses the latest backup file to do the restore. If this happens, you
might find that the proper data is not contained in the latest backup.
You can examine the other backup files to locate and manually restore
the data required.
- In the runtime
- Start the server or cluster that manages your WebSphere
Commerce instance, if it is not already started.
In the WC_installdir/bin directory, run this command:
- Verify that the feature was disabled successfully.
See the following log file:
- WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/logs/disablefoundation_timestamp.log
- Optional:
You can clean up and remove the WebSphere Application Server profile and
WebSphere Application Server server
that WebSphere Commerce foundation feature enablement created. You should not complete the following
steps if you have other applications using that profile.
If you choose to remove the profile, the following steps will remove the server (solrServer), any
other servers that might exist in the profile, related WebSphere Application Server configuration
information, and all of the applications installed on those servers:
- Ensure that all of the WebSphere Application Server servers that belong to the profile are
stopped. For more information, see Starting and stopping quick reference.
- Use the tools provided by WebSphere Application Server to delete the WebSphere Application
Server profile that WebSphere Commerce created. The profile name is
To remove your
WebSphere Application Server profile, see one
of the following topics:
- Remove the WebSphere Application Server profile service
from the Services panel. Run the following commands from a command
cd WAS_installdir/bin
WASService.exe -remove WC_instance_name_solr
- Optional: Delete or rename the WebSphere Application Server profile directory from your file
system. You must perform this step if you plan to enable the foundation feature again.
directory to remove or rename is:
- WAS_installdir\profiles\instance_name_solr
- In a WebSphere Commerce Developer environment:
- Stop the Rational Application Developer and WebSphere
Application Server servers.
- In the WCDE_installdir/bin directory,
run this command:
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=foundation
- Verify that the feature was disabled successfully.
See the following log files:
- WCDE_installdir/logs/disablefoundation_timestamp.log
- WCDE_installdir/logs/disableFeature.log
Near the bottom of the
it will clearly state whether the build failed or passed. If the build
passed, then the feature was disabled successfully. There can occasionally
be exceptions that are displayed after the
You can safely ignore these exceptions if it says that the build is
successful. If the build fails, for more information, see
Troubleshooting: WebSphere Commerce configuration issues
- Republish the application:
- Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise
Explorer view.
- Right-click LOBTools and select one of
the following options:
- Rebuild any projects that are required to be rebuilt in the workspace.
For example:
Rebuild LOBTools. Select
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server. Some errors are displayed
in the console, these errors can be safely ignored.
- In the Servers view, right-click the test server then click Publish.
for the application to finish publishing and to restart. Ensure that
no errors are displayed.
Remove the search application from the test server:
- In the Servers view, right click the test server and select Add
and Remove.
- In the Add and Remove window, select Search and
click Remove.
- Click Finish.