Deprecated feature

Tag: declareService

The wcf:declareService tag adds client-side support for invoking a service request. The ID is used to register the specified service so it can be invoked with the wc.service.invoke(serviceId, parameters) function. The parameters parameter is an object map that is passed as parameters to the service URL.

Instead of using the wcf:declareService tag, write JavaScript code. See wc.service.declare (initProperties).

Tag information

Tag information
Body Content empty
Display Name Declare Service
Tag filepath /META-INF/tags/wcf/DeclareService.tag



Name Required Type Description
id true String The service ID.
actionId true String The action identifier that is used to uniquely identify the action that is performed by this service.
url true String The URL to process this service.
formId false String The element ID of the form that is to be submitted to this service.
validateParametersScript false JSP fragment JavaScript that validates the parameters that are being passed to this request. This script must be composed by a developer. The script uses the local variable parameters , which is the Object map of parameters that were passed to the service. The script can also update a local variable that is called valid to false to indicate that the request must be stopped. If this attribute is not specified, then the parameters are always considered to be valid.
validateFormScript false JSP fragment JavaScript that validates the form that is specified by the formId. This script must be composed by a developer. The script uses the local variable formNode , which is the form node that is extracted from the document. The script can also update a local variable that is called valid to false to indicate that the request must be stopped. If this attribute is not specified, then the form is always considered to be valid.
successTestScript false JSP fragment JavaScript that examines the service response object to determine whether the request was successful or not. The script uses the local variable serviceResponse , which is the service response object. The script must also update a local variable that is called success to false to indicate that the request was not successful. This result determines whether the success handler or the failure handler is invoked. If this attribute is not specified, then the service response Object is tested to see whether there is a property that is called errorCode. If the errorCode property exists, then the service request is treated as a failed request.
successHandlerScript false JSP fragment JavaScript that is run after the successful invocation of the service request. The script can use the local variable serviceResponse , which is an Object that contains the service response map.
failureHandlerScript false JSP fragment JavaScript that is run after a failed invocation of the service request. The script can use the local variable serviceResponse , which is an Object that contains the service response map.


No variables are defined for the wcf:declareService tag.


The following example declares a service that is called AjaxDeleteOrderItem that can be used to delete an order item.
