BigFix Inventory Service Graph Connector Troubleshooting
This topic provides information on troubleshooting ServiceNow which only data source is BigFix Inventory Service Graph Connector. In case other connectors, or data sources are present that import Computer and Software data into ServiceNow, this procedure will have discrepancies in number of Computers and Software.
In case of discrepancy of number of Computers between ServiceNow and BigFix
- Verify the number of computers on ServiceNow and BigFix Inventory:
- Go to the ServiceNow’s Computers report: <SN_INSTANCE> /
- Go to the BigFix Inventory’s computers report: <BFI_INSTANCE>/sam/computers.
- Compare the number of computers.
- If the number is off:
- Verify the value of the ServiceNow’s
System Property:Go to <SN_INSTANCE>/ and search for the System Property’s name, note the value as it will be needed later.
- Calculate the difference between number of computers:
SN_computers = number of computers seen in ServiceNow
BFI_computers = count returned from the following API call (open the URL in browser, after you’ve logged in to BigFix Inventory):<BFI_INSTANCE>/api/sam/v2/computers?criteria={"and":[["is_deleted","=","0"],["computer_hardware.status","=","1"],["os_type","!=","MACOS"],["os_type","!=","AIX"]]}CcountSwitch=2
SN_computers_WO_SN =
- if
x_hclte_sg_bigfix.include_computers_with_no_bios_serial_number is true
= 0 - if
is false = the count returned by following query (run on TEMADB):
select,cd.remote_id,, cd.os_name, cd.os, bios.system_serial_number from dbo.computer_dimension cd left join sam.deep_hw_smbios bios on where os_name!='MACOS' and os_name !='AIX' and bios.system_serial_number is null and cd.valid_to='9999-12-31 23:59:59.997'
Formula:SN_computers = BFI_computers – SN_computers_WO_SN
- if
- Verify the value of the ServiceNow’s
- If numbers calculated in step 2. are not matching, create a ticket, gather
the following information:
- ServiceNow Computers Report - <SN_INSTANCE> / - exported to csv or xlsx
- In below URL replace <BFI_INSTANCE> and <BFI_PORT> with
appropriate values, matching your BigFix Inventory configuration.
Login to BigFix Inventory, then open the URL (it will take more time
to load the results in large
- Value of
ServiceNow Server setting, which can be found at https://%3CSERVICE_NOW_URL%3E/now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/ the value of this setting is false, gather the output of the following query run on BigFix Inventory TEMADB database:
select,cd.remote_id,, cd.os_name, cd.os, bios.system_serial_number from dbo.computer_dimension cd left join sam.deep_hw_smbios bios on where os_name!='MACOS' and os_name !='AIX' and bios.system_serial_number is null and cd.valid_to='9999-12-31 23:59:59.997'