Creating Fixlets for AIX package updates
You can use the AIX Deployment Wizard to deploy packages for service packs, concluding service packs, and technology levels.
Before you begin
Before you use the wizard to deploy package updates, obtain the updates that you want from the IBM website by using the download cacher. For more information, see Using the AIX download cacher.
- From the BigFix console, click .
- Click Package.
Figure 1. Package option in the AIX Deployment Wizard
- Enter the location of the AIX package that you want to deploy.
- Select the check the box if you want to create a one-time action rather than a reusable Fixlet.
- Optional: You can also select the other check
box to create a preview-only action.This preview runs the preinstalled verification checks. The results of those checks are available in the AIX Pre-Install Verification Results analysis.
- After you set the necessary parameters, click Finish.
Figure 2. Finishing the configuration for AIX package updates
Note: Ensure
that you have sufficient amount of disk space on the /var partition
to accommodate large files. Use the available tasks to set any size
or space limitations. For more information, see Fix pack download configuration.
What to do next
To view the detailed information about the results of deploying your AIX package update, activate the AIX Package Deployment Results - TL/SP/CSP analysis.