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BigFix V9.5 Patch Documentation
Welcome to the BigFix Patch documentation, where you can find information about how to install, maintain, and use the BigFix Patch.
Patch Overview
BigFix Patch provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console.
Patch User Guides
BigFix Patch provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console.
Patch for Windows User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Windows™ provides Fixlets for Microsoft™ security and non-security patches. Dashboards, wizards, and reports aid you in managing updates for various endpoint devices.
Patch for AIX User's Guide
BigFix® for Patch for AIX® provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all AIX endpoints.
Patch for Red Hat Enterprise Linux User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Red Hat Enterprise Linux endpoints.
Patch for CentOS Linux User's Guide
BigFix® Patch for CentOS Linux™ provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all CentOs endpoints.
Patch for SUSE Linux Enterprise User's Guide
BigFix Patch for SUSE Linux Enterprise provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all SUSE Linux endpoints.
Patch for Ubuntu User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Ubuntu provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Ubuntu endpoints.
Patch for Oracle Linux User's Guide
BigFix® Patches for Oracle Linux provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Oracle Linux endpoints.
Patch for Solaris User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Solaris provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Solaris endpoints.
Patch for HP-UX User's Guide
BigFix® for Patch for HP-UX provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all HP-UX endpoints.
Patch for Mac OS X User's Guide
BigFix® for Patch for Mac OS X provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Mac OS X endpoints.
Patch for Debian User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Debian provides an automated, simplified patching process that is administered from a single console. It gives you unified, near real-time visibility and enforcement to deploy and manage patches to all Debian endpoints.
Patch for VMware ESXi User's Guide
BigFix Patch for VMware ESXi provides you unified, near real-time visibility to manage patches to all VMware ESXi endpoints from a single console.
Patch for Raspbian User's Guide
BigFix Patch for Raspbian provides Fixlets that you use to manage the latest updates and service packs that Raspberry Pi releases. These Fixlets are available through the Patches for Raspbian sites.
Virtual Endpoint Manager User's Guide
ESU Patch Add-Ons User's Guide
BigFix content supporting the Extended Support Updates (ESU) patching program from Microsoft® is available as an add-on to BigFix Patch, BigFix Lifecycle and BigFix Compliance.
Enabling the ESU patch functionality
Before you can start using the ESU patch add-on, you should first enable it.
Preparing endpoints to accept ESU patches
After subscribing the endpoints in your deployment to a BigFix ESU patch site, you can use the content in the site to prepare the endpoints to accept the ESU patches.
Testing ESU Patch Delivery
Using Minimize WMI usage feature
Know more about the optional feature, Minimize WMI usage feature.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about ESU patching with BigFix.
RHEL patch add-ons: Overview
Read a brief introduction to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) patch add-ons.
Enabling EUS patch functionality
This topic describes how to enable BigFix EUS Patch functionality in BigFix.
Deploying extended support patches with BigFix
You can apply Extended Update Support EUS and Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) patch Fixlets with BigFix.
Frequently asked questions
Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about BigFix Extended Update Support (EUS) and Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) patch add-ons for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Supersedence in Non-Windows
This topic describes how supersedence works in Patch.
Patch guides in PDF format
Following is a list of links to the BigFix Patch user guides in PDF format: