Creating an Oracle server configuration

You can create a server installation configuration to use an Oracle database. You must install the database, either locally or remotely, and create a database instance before you install the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control server.

About this task

To create an Oracle server configuration task, complete the following steps:


  1. Select the relevant operating system.
  2. Enter the installation directory for the IBM BigFix Remote Control server to be installed to or accept the default that is given.
  3. Select the relevant Oracle version and enter the relevant database parameters.
    Database server address
    The IP address or host name of your database server. can be used when Oracle is installed locally. If you install Oracle on a remote system, type in the IP address of the remote system.
    Port on which to connect to the database
    Port on which Oracle is installed.
    Name of the Database to use
    Specify a name for the database. The name is the SID name on the server, not the one in tnsnames.ora. For example, TRCDB.
    Database Administrator Userid
    Specify the administrator user ID that is used for logging on to the database. The user ID must have admin access to the database.
    Note: For an Oracle installation, a user that is called asset must exist. This user ID can be used here or use an existing or new user.
    Database Administrator Password
    Specify the Administrator password for connecting to the database.
    Path to the JDBC drivers
    Specify the path to the oracle Java™ JDBC library. The location can be obtained from the Oracle server installation or downloaded from the Oracle website. For example, c:\oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
  4. Enter the server installation parameters as in step 4
  5. Save your server installation task by following step 5