Creating a scripting environment

The scripting environment creator allows you to package the vendor-specific environment and configurations in a format that can be managed by OS Deployment.

Before you begin

Before you can deploy a scripting environment on a Bare Metal Target you must convert the vendor-specific scripting environment that you created using the supported toolkits, into a format that can be imported into the BigFix environment by using the Scripting Environment Creator tool.

You can also build and import a customized Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) without using a scripting toolkit of a specific vendor. For this purpose, you can specify the vendorName=Other option when you run the Scripting Environment Creator tool. You can then import and deploy it as any other scripting environment.


  1. Download the Scripting Environment Creator from this link:
  2. Extract the zip file on the same machine where the vendor scripting toolkit is installed.
  3. Run the Scripting Environment Creator as follows:

    rbagent[64].exe -o rad-makescriptingenv scriptingEnvName=scripting_env_name exportdir=export_directory [ osdtoolsdir=osdtools_dir ] scriptingEnvPath=scripting_env_path vendorName=vendor_name [toolsPath=tools_path]

    • scripting_env_name: is the name of the scripting environment you are creating. The name must be unique in your BigFix environment.
    • export_directory: is the path where the Scripting environment is created.
    • osdtools_dir: is the path where the OSd tools are located. Typically this is the path where you extracted the Scripting Environment creator. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it is the current directory.
    • scripting_env_path: is the path where you created the vendor scripting environment.
    • vendor_name: is the name of the vendor. The allowed values are HP, Dell, IBM, or Other.
    • tools_path: is the vendor tools directory that must be injected into the Scripting Environment. This parameter is optional. This path does not apply when the vendor is IBM.
    For example:
    C:\ScriptingEnvironmentCreator> rbagent -o rad-makescriptingenv 
    scriptingEnvName=IBM_Toolkit_env exportdir="C:\scripting_env_IBM"
    WinPE_ScenarioOutput\Local_Asu_Config_Only_x64_BootOrder\ISO" vendorName="IBM"
    Depending on the Microsoft deployment toolkit (WAIK or WADK 8.0 or 8.1) that is installed on the machine where you have run the vendor scripting toolkit, the output is created in a different directory. You must specify the full path to the scripting environment in the scriptingEnvPath input parameter of the scripting environment creator (rad-makescriptingenv) :
    • <toolkit_output>\ISO if the toolkit is WAIK (WinPE 3.x)
    • <toolkit_output>\media if the toolkit is WADK (WinPE 4.x or WinPE 5.x)

    Example 1: an IBM toolkit on a machine with WAIK (WinPE 3.x):


    Example 2: a Dell toolkit on a machine with WADK (WinPE 5.x):

  4. When the command completes, the output is a bundle that includes the following files:
    • a RAD file containing WinPE version 3, 4, or 5 depending on the vendor toolkit used, and vendor tools (if specified).
    • a descriptor file (.scriptenvinfo) that describes the content of the Scripting Environment.

    You are now ready to upload the scripting environment to the Scripting Environment Library dashboard.

What to do next

From the Scripting Environment Library dashboard, you can manage the scripting environments you created.