Managing Linux OS Resources and Deployment Media
You can import Linux OS Resources needed to create network boot media and to capture and deploy Linux images
Importing Linux OS Resources
Linux OS Resources are required to capture Linux reference machines and to create network boot media for Linux deployments. From the Bundle and Media Manager dashboard, click the corresponding button in the Deployment Resources tab. Browse to the fully qualified path of the Linux ISO file from which the OS Resource will be imported, and click OK. When the action completes, the Linux OS Resource is displayed in the list. To delete a Linux OS Resource entry, select it and click Delete.
Creating network boot media for Linux targets
To create Linux network boot media, complete
the following steps:
- From the Bundle and Media Manager dashboard, import a Linux OS Resource by clicking the corresponding button. Select the fully qualified path to the ISO file. The supported ISO files are RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Release 6, 7, or SUSE Linux Version 12. If you have already imported Linux OS Resources for these platforms skip this step.
- From the Linux Media tab, click Create Deployment Media. the Media creation wizard is displayed. Select the OS Deployment Server where the media will be created, and click Next.
- Select or specify the following:
- The Linux OS Resource to be included in the media. You must have previously imported the resource.
- Specify the fully qualified path on the OS Deployment Server where the ISO file for the media will be created
- In the Server Settings section, specify the IP address and the administrative user password of the OS Deployment Server to which the target connects at boot time. This server can be the same or a different OS Deployment server from the one you are creating the media on. Alternatively, you can specify the connection parameters at boot time, by checking the corresponding option.
- Select the type of network configuration settings that are assigned to the client at boot time. By default, a dynamic IP address is assigned (DHCP). Alternatively, you can specify a static IP address, network mask, and gateway address. If you specify static network settings, you can overwrite them at boot time by checking the corresponding option.
- You can optionally specify to have the user start the boot sequence on the target. In this case, a prompt is displayed on the target and the boot sequence begins only when the user responds to the prompt.
- When you have completed your selections, click OK. The information that you provided is validated before the media creation task begins.
Important: If you want to deploy a Linux setup
image in multicast from network boot media, the Linux OS resource
that you include in the media must be of the same major version of
the image that you are deploying. For example, you can use a RedHat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Version 7 Update 1 resource to deploy all
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Version 7 setup images using multicast
Network boot media
limitations: The following restrictions apply to network boot
- Only CD/DVD media are supported.
- Deployment of the media on UEFI targets is not supported.