Target prerequisites

To successfully deploy target computers from the Client Deploy Tool, ensure that you satisfy the following prerequisites, depending on the target operating system.

Prerequisites needed for the UNIX/MAC target computers:
  • The bash shell must be installed.

    For AIX and Solaris target computers, which do not have a bash shell installed by default, the Korn shell can be used.

  • The SCP and SSH protocols must be enabled. The SSH protocol must be enabled on port 22.
  • The root user must exist, or any other user with SUDO privileges enabled.
  • The user with SUDO privileges must be configured as not requiring TTY.
  • The user, configured to access the target computer by using the SSH key authentication, must be one of the following:
    • root
    • a user configured to run SUDO without a password.
Note: You can deploy on Windows target computers only if you are using the Client Deploy Tool on a Windows system.

Prerequisites needed for the Windows target computers:

  • From the Control Panel, go to Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change advanced sharing settings and in the "current profile" section, select the "Turn on file and printer sharing" option.
  • Launch services.msc and ensure that the "Remote Registry" service is not disabled. It is sufficient to have it in Manual mode, the operating system will start it when needed.
  • Restart the workstation for the changes to take effect, if required.
  • Ensure that the administrative shares are not explicitly disabled. Locate the registry values:

    "AutoShareServer" should be 1 (explicitly enabled) or absent.

    "AutoShareWks" should be 1 (explicitly enabled) or absent.

  • Ensure that the firewall is not blocking the "File and Printer Sharing" service on port 445.

    From the Control Panel, go to System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced settings.

    In the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" panel, perform the following checks:
    • Inbound Rules: The service "File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In)" is allowed to access the local port 445.
    • Outbound Rules: The service "File and Printer Sharing (SMB-Out)" is allowed to access the remote port 445.
  • The remote computers you want to deploy to must be reachable using the Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocols.
    Note: The Client Deploy Tool will not work if there is a firewall blocking traffic between you and the remote computer or if the remote computer has a personal firewall blocking traffic. By default, RPC uses port 135 as well as a random port above 1024. If you are using a firewall, you might want to configure the RPC port to a specific port number so that you can lock it down and allow traffic across that port without opening the firewall completely (see: RPC can use TCP or UDP ports so you should allow for both. The Client Deploy Tool itself does not make use of any other ports beyond what RPC utilizes. After the client is installed, it will use whichever port you have specified for your license (TCP/UDP 52311 by default).

    You cannot have any network or security policies in place that might prevent the application from connecting to the remote computer and running a service that uses the domain administrator credentials to copy files from a shared location and run them locally on the computer.