Backing up the server

Before you start the upgrade, back up the database, installation registry, and the server files to be able to restore the server if the upgrade fails.


  1. Stop the BigFix Inventory server.
  2. Back up the database.
  3. Back up the installation registry.

    Linux /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml

    This file is hidden. To view it, run the ls -la command.

    If you installed the server as a non-root user, the registry is in $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml.

    Windows C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml

    This file is hidden. To view it, change the Folder Options in Control Panel to display hidden files, or type the complete path in the address bar of any open window.

  4. Back up the installation directory. The default paths are:

    For BigFix Inventory 10.x

    Linux /opt/BFI

    Windows C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BFI

    For BigFix Inventory 9.x

    Linux /opt/ibm/BFI

    Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\BFI

  5. If you did not start the BigFix Inventory server during the database backup, start the server now.


You completed all steps that are required to restore the server after a failed upgrade. You can proceed to upgrading the server.