Discovering SAP components
Available from 9.2.7. To discover SAP components on Linux and AIX
computers in your infrastructure, run the Get SAP Components fixlet. The data
is collected, imported to BigFix Inventory,
and displayed on the Software Classification
About this task
The discovery of SAP components is supported on Linux and AIX systems.
BigFix Inventory discovers SAP Business Suite components that are based on SAP NetWeaver 7.x; for example, the application server, cross-application components and applications. For more information about SAP component hierarchy, see: Software Components in SAP ERP.
If multiple instances of SAP are installed on the same computer, all of these instances are discovered. The task is relevant only to the computers where SAP is installed.
- Log in to BigFix console.
- In the navigation bar, click .
- In the upper right pane, select Get SAP Components.
- Optional: Select the Retrieve information about SAP subcomponents check box to additionally discover SAP sub-components.
- To run the task, click Take Action. On the Target tab, select computers from which you want to retrieve the information, and click OK.
- Ensure that the software scans are enabled, and run automatically. If not, run the software scan manually. Select the Software identification tags scan.
- Ensure that the scan results are automatically uploaded. If not, upload the results to the BigFix server manually.
- To make the data available in BigFix Inventory, wait for the scheduled import of data, or run it manually.

What to do next
- 0 - Completed. Action successful.
- 1 - Failed. Action failed.
- 2 - Completed. Action partially completed. Some SAP instances did not return any data.