Reporting Detailed
Version using the value fetched from the registry |
The following template checks existence of 4.0 value registry
key and reports the key as Detailed
Version.<Variable name="DETAILED_VER">
<RegKeyValue entry="Installed Version" key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Client Components\Component Name\Installation Properties" section="64or32"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<StringSlice inputString="$(DETAILED_VER)" startIndex="0" endIndex="3"/>
<ValueOf value="4.0"/>
A file name |
The following template checks the identification or detection of a file name.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<FindFilePathEx name="A_FILENAME.EXE"/>
<ValueOf value=""/>
The size of the file need not be provided.
Existence of a number of Windows™ registry keys |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the existence of a number of Windows™ registry keys.
The number of keys to be provided depends on the application.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME A" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME B" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME N" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
Existence of at least one of the registry keys |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the existence of at least one of
the registry keys.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME A" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME B" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME N" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
File that is in a particular directory that is defined by a
filter |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the file that is in a particular
directory that is defined by a filter.
Note: Use "?" as the single-character wildcard and "*" to denote multiple characters.
Restriction: Replace the forward or backslashes in the file path with the "?"
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<Vector filter="?opt?symantec*">
<FindFilePathEx name="FILENAME"/>
<ValueOf value="" />
Key name, key entry, and its value for a registry key |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the key name, key entry, and its
value for a registry key.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<RegKeyValueEqual key="KEY NAME" entry="ENTRY NAME" value="VALUE" section="64or32"/>
CPU architecture |
The following template checks the identification or detection of CPU architecture.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<ValueOf value="$(B_PROCESSOR_ARCH)"/>
<ValueOf value="ARCHITECTURE_CODE"/>
- AIX, IBM i, and Linux PPC: PPC
- Linux x86, Mac OS X, and Solaris x86: IX86
- Linux on System z: S390
- Solaris SPARC: SPARC
File contents and matching specified strings |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the file
contents and matching specified strings. Note: The scanner reads only text
files. It cannot read binary files and archives, such as
.jar, .ear, and
.zip. <MultipleInstance>
<Iterator name="file_list" export="false">
<FindFilePathEx name="MYFILE.txt" />
<Variable name="file_read" export="false">
<ReadFile path="$(file_list)MYFILE.txt" />
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<Vector filter="*MYAPP_version=MYAPP-1.3*">
<ValueOf value="$(file_read)" />
<ValueOf value="" />
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP" />
</MultipleInstance> The
name of the file to be detected is MYFILE.txt and the string
value is MYAPP_version=MYAPP-1.3 . |
Existence of two files in a particular directory where someprog.jar file has
a particular size
The following template checks the identification or detection of the existence of two files in a
particular directory where someprog.jar file has a particular size.
<Iterator name="INSTALL_PATH">
<Vector filter="*SOMEPROG.ear?SOMEPROG.war?">
<FindFilePathEx name="essbase.jar"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<FileInfoCompare absolutePath="$(INSTALL_PATH)someprog.jar" field="size" value="649432" relation="eq" />
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>
Matching BFI Package Data report on endpoint
side |
It is possible to match data listed on BFI Package Data report
on endpoint side using PackageInforMatch operand. Below is an
example for the same. The below example can be combined with other examples
mentioned on this
page. <Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
<PackageInfoMatch vendor="RStudio*" name="rstudio-server" version="1.1.*"/></Variable>
The existence of a particular file |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the existence of a particular
<Iterator name="INSTALL_PATH">
<FindFilePathEx name="SWTAG_NAME.swtag"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<ValueOf value="$(INSTALL_PATH)" />
<ValueOf value="" />
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>
File type with only a part of the name given |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the file type with only a part
of the name given.
<Iterator name="INSTALL_PATH">
<FindFilePathEx name="*.FILETYPE" appendFileName="true"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<ValueOf value="$(INSTALL_PATH)" />
<ValueOf value="" />
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>
The existence of a specific file, another file does not
exist |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the existence of a specific
file, another file does not exist.
<Iterator name="INSTALL_PATH">
<FindFilePathEx name="file1"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<FileExists absolutePath="$(INSTALL_PATH)file1"/>
<Compare type="string" relation="ne">
<FindFilePathEx name="file2"/>
<ValueOf value=""/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>
Software items when the registry key identifies the product, Windows™ systems |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the Software items when the
registry key identifies the product, Windows™ systems.
Compares a part of the key string. To address this case, two signatures must be created, one for
32 -bit and one for 64-bit architecture.
<Iterator name="reg">
<Vector filter="*000000FF1CE}" ignoreCase="false">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" section="32" subkeys="false"/> </Vector>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<Clip endIndex="76" inputString="$(reg)" startIndex="74"/>
<ValueOf value="140"/>
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<Clip endIndex="84" inputString="$(reg)" startIndex="81"/>
<ValueOf value="0018"/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action do="SKIP" onValue="false"/>
<Iterator name="reg">
<Vector filter="*000000FF1CE}" ignoreCase="false">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" section="64" subkeys="false"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<Clip endIndex="76" inputString="$(reg)" startIndex="74"/>
<ValueOf value="140"/>
<Compare relation="eq" type="string">
<Clip endIndex="84" inputString="$(reg)" startIndex="81"/>
<ValueOf value="0018"/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action do="SKIP" onValue="false"/>
Registry keys, where edition and version are stored |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the registry keys, where edition
and version are stored.
This signature matches a specific version range.
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<RegKeyValueContains entry="Edition" key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vendor\SoftwareName\Data" value="Enterprise" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyVersionCompare key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vendor\SoftwareName\CurrVer" entry="Version" relation="ge" value="" section="64or32"/>
<RegKeyVersionCompare key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vendor\SoftwareName\CurrVer" entry="Version" relation="le" value="3.9999.9999.9999" section="64or32"/>
Software instances by identifying their registry keys. |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the software instances by
identifying their registry keys.
Instance name is reflected by the asterisk character in registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\SoftwareName\*\Info\CurrVer
This signature matches a specific edition and version range. To address this case, two signatures
must be created, one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit architecture.
<Iterator export="false" name="rg">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftwareName\*" section="64" subkeys="false"/>
<Variable export="false" name="vr">
<RegKeyValue entry="Version" key="$(rg)\Info\CurrVer" mustExists="true" section="64"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<RegKeyValueContains entry="Edition" key="$(rg)\Data" section="64" value="Enterprise"/>
<Contains inputString="$(vr)" position="start" searchedString="3."/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action do="SKIP" onValue="false"/>
<Iterator export="false" name="rg">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftwareName\*" section="32" subkeys="false"/>
<Variable export="false" name="vr">
<RegKeyValue entry="Version" key="$(rg)\Info\CurrVer" mustExists="true" section="32"/>
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<RegKeyValueContains entry="Edition" key="$(rg)\Data" section="32" value="Enterprise"/>
<Contains inputString="$(vr)" position="start" searchedString="3."/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action do="SKIP" onValue="false"/>
Uninstall registry keys, Windows™ systems |
The following template checks the identification or detection of the uninstall registry keys, Windows™ systems.
This signature iterates through all keys and tries to match specific patterns in DisplayName and
DisplayVersion values. To address this case, two signatures must be created, one for the 32-bit and
one for the 64-bit architecture.
<Iterator name="reg" export="true">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" section="32" subkeys="false"/> </Iterator>
<Variable name="valueName" export="true">
<RegKeyValue entry="DisplayName" key="$(reg)" section="32" />
<Variable name="valueVersion" export="true">
<RegKeyValue entry="DisplayVersion" key="$(reg)" section="32" />
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Contains inputString="$(valueName)" searchedString="TestProduct" position="start"/>
<Contains inputString="$(valueVersion)" searchedString="12.0" position="start"/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>
<Iterator name="reg" export="true">
<RegKeyList root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" section="64" subkeys="false"/>
<Variable name="valueName" export="true">
<RegKeyValue entry="DisplayName" key="$(reg)" section="64" />
<Variable name="valueVersion" export="true">
<RegKeyValue entry="DisplayVersion" key="$(reg)" section="64" />
<Variable name="IS_INSTALLED">
<Contains inputString="$(valueName)" searchedString="TestProduct" position="start"/>
<Contains inputString="$(valueVersion)" searchedString="12.0" position="start"/>
<Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED">
<Action onValue="false" do="SKIP"/>