Collecting capacity data from virtualization hosts for Xen and KVM
For Citrix, Xen and KVM, connection to the VM manager does not have to be defined in BigFix Inventory to collect capacity data. The data can be collected directly from virtualization hosts by using the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts task.
Before you begin
Xen Hypervisor
Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer)
Important:Starting from application update 9.2.12, it is recommended to collect data from Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer) by configuring connections to VM managers. For more information, see: Adding VM managers in central mode.
- PowerKVM
- KVM x86Tip: If your KVM x86 hosts are controlled by RHV-M, you can configure the RHV-M as a VM manager in BigFix Inventory. It allows for collecting capacity data from all controlled hosts without the need of using the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts task on each of them. For more information, see: Adding VM managers in central mode.
About this task
Ensure that virtualization hosts from which you want to collect capacity data meet the following prerequisites.
- The host runs on Linux x86 or Linux on Power
- Bash shell is available
library is installed directly on the hypervisor or inside a container running within the hypervisor (virsh command is available)- The container needs to have either nova_libvirt or nova_virtqemud name
library is installed (xmllint command is available)

- The host runs on Linux x86
- Bash shell is available
command is availablelibxml2
library is installed (xmllint command is available)
- Log in to the BigFix console.
- In the navigation tree, click .
In the upper right pane, select Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization
Note: If the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fixlet is not relevant for KVM hosts, where libvirt-client library is installed inside a container, perform the following steps:
- Log in to the BigFix console.
- In the navigation tree, click Computers.
- Select the computer for which the fixlet is not relevant.
- Right-click on the selected computer, and then click Edit Computer Settings.
- Add a computer setting. Specify the name as
, and specify the value as 'true.'
- Optional:
To collect information about host names of virtualization hosts, select Collect host
names of virtualization hosts.
This option affects the format of information about virtualization hosts that is displayed in the Server ID column on the reports. If you select this option, the column contains information about the vendor, type and host name of the host as specified in the managedServerTagTemplate parameter. If you do not select this option, the column contains the serial number of the host instead of its name. For more information about the managedServerTagTemplate parameter, see: Advanced server settings.
To start the scan, click Take Action.
Important: If you run this task on the host, you no longer need to run the Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results task on that host.
From the list of applicable computers, select the supported hosts.
Important: The list is filtered out to the computers that meet the prerequisites. However, not all of them are virtualization hosts.
- Optional:
By default, the capacity scan is scheduled to run every 30 minutes. However, in an environment
with many KVM or Xen hosts, consider lowering the frequency of the scan. To specify the frequency of
the scan, open the Execution tab, specify the details, and click
For environments with multiple hosts, run the scan once per one to six hours.Restriction: You can change the frequenIBMer you obtain the acceptance of the BigFix Compliance Team.
Schedule the upload of scan results to the BigFix server.
- In the upper right pane, select Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload, specify the frequency, and click Take Action.
- Select the hosts from which you collected the capacity data, and click OK.
Tip: To check the status of the capacity scan on the endpoints, activate the analysis Status of Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts. If the status is other than OK, check the return code to learn what is the cause of the problem and how to solve it. For more information, see: Return codes of capacity scans on virtualization hosts. -
Wait for the scheduled import or run it manually to transfer the data to BigFix Inventory.
Note: When you run fixlet 'Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts', the discovered hosts, such as KVM, Xen, and Citrix are displayed on panel in BigFix Inventory UI.
Removing capacity scan data from the host
During the capacity scan, some files and folders are generated on the virtualization host. If you no longer collect capacity data from a particular host, remove the files and folders that were created by the capacity scan.
Stop the actions that were created by the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization
Hosts task on the specified endpoints. Otherwise, the scan continues running and the
files are recreated.
- In the navigation tree of the BigFix console, click .
- Select the actions, and in the lower pane, click Stop.
- In the navigation tree, go to Fixlets and Tasks.
- In the upper right pane, select Remove Capacity Scan Data from Virtualization Hosts, and click Take Action.
- Select the computers from which you want to remove the data that was generated during the capacity scan, and click OK.