Environment variables server settings

BigFix Inventory has few enviroment variables that can be use to adjust behaviour of the BigFix Inventory server.

Setting up the enviroment variables

To ensure that the enviroment variables are set to expected values, it is recommended to set them up by using WebSphere server.env that is loaded when starting the BigFix Inventory server. Follow the procedure below:

  1. On the computer where the BigFix Inventory server is installed, go to one of the following directories, and create or modify the server.env file.
    • Linux install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/server1/server.env
    • Windows install_dir\wlp\usr\servers\server1\server.env
  2. Add the required settings from the table below:.
  3. Restart the BigFix Inventoryserver.

Enviroment variable settings

Name & Parameter Type Default Minimum Maximum
  • Name: Log memory consumption information during Data Import and in tema.log with every log message
  • Parameter: LOG_MEMORY
boolean false

Adds information to each log iabout the memory used currently:

2024-03-05 14:09:10 (+0:00:00.000) INFO: Memory Used,663MB,Memory Diff,1588kB,Memory Committed,1024MB,
2024-03-05 14:09:10 (+0:00:00.000) INFO: BFI version:

Avoid using in the production environment. Recommended for debuging

  • Name: Custom URL prefix to be used in Scanner Catalog Distribution fixlet to the BigFix Platform Server
  • Parameter: BIGFIX_SERVER_URL_FOR_DATASOURCE_ID_<datasource_id>
Example: BIGFIX_SERVER_URL_FOR_DATASOURCE_ID_3=http://correctbigfix.acme.org:52311

The DNS name of BigFix Platform server in some specific network configuration might be different when accessing it from BigFix Inventory server and on BigFix Platform itself. As from BigFix Inventory server 10.0.14, the Scanner Catalog is hosted on BigFix Platform server, there might been need to correct the used URL included in "Scanner Distribution" fixlet. This setting allows to adjust the protocol, DNS name of the server as well as port. The value is included as-is in the created fixlet. The setting is per Data Source.

Proper values of datasource_id are available in the first column of the Management > Datasources panel.
  • Name: Enforce HTTPS for file fetch from BigFix Platform Servers
  • Parameter: HTTPS_BIGFIX_SERVER_URL_FOR_DATASOURCE_ID_<datasource_id>
boolean false

Apart from encrypting files, this parameter allows you to enforce using HTTPS protocol by BigFix when transferring files from BigFix Platform server to BigFix Inventory server.

Proper values of datasource_id are available in the first column of the Management > Datasources panel .