
Data collected from all sources is stored in a JSON file named harvested_data.json

Readme files and license files related to the executables are copied to new files. Path of the application executables is appended to the filenames of the copied files.

C_Users_XXXX_eclipse_java-2021-06_eclipse_readme_ readme_eclipse.html

All the files are compressed together. Output filenames must be unique to avoid conflicts, so the name will include timestamp.

Standalone version standalone output

cscript //nologo HarvestingTool.vbs​
Starting ServicesScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:53 PM​
Completed ServicesScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:53 PM. Total time: 0s.​
Starting UninstallRegistryScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:53 PM​
Completed UninstallRegistryScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM. Total time: 1s.​
Starting ProcessScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM​
Completed ProcessScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM. Total time: 0s.​
Starting ShortcutsScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM​
Completed ShortcutsScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM. Total time: 0s.​
Starting ExecutablesScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:54 PM​
Completed ExecutablesScanner at 1/17/2022 4:57:57 PM. Total time: 3s.​
Preparing zip package with results: HarvestedData_20220117165753.zip​
Package created successfully.