Configuration settings
This module proides details for all available configuration settings.
Setting name | Data type | Default value | Description | Possible values |
LogLevel | Enum | INFO | Sets the logging level for the service. | INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, CRITICAL, ERROR |
NumberOfConcurrentDataflows | Int | 2 | Sets the number of dataflow processors that can be run concurrently | User defined |
PreviewOnly | Boolean | True | If set to true, writes any updates for a datasource into a file (rather than to the datasource) | True, False |
DataFlow.QueueRefreshInterval | Int | 120 (in seconds) | Number of seconds that a Data Flow Processing Thread sleeps, if there are no pending Tasks. | User defined |
bigfixrest.QueueRefreshInterval | Int | 120 (in seconds) | The number of seconds that the Adapter Updater waits after collecting the updates. It can be used to throttle output to data sources. | User defined |
bigfixrest.UpdateBatchSize | Int | 0 | The number of updates that are allowed in a batch. If set to 0, there is no limit. An updater processes all the updates when detected. | User defined |
servicenowrest.QueueRefreshInterval | Int | 120 (in seconds) | The number of seconds that the Adapter Updater waits after updates. It can be used to throttle output to datasource | User defined |
servicenowrest.UpdateBatchSize | Int | 0 | The number of updates that are allowed in a batch. If set to 0, there is no limitation and the updater processes all the updates when detected. | User defined |
bigfixrest.MaxComputerAge | Int | 2 | Limits the computers that are returned by the BigFix Adapter to the number of hours configured by using the Last Report Time of the machine. | User defined |
Bigfixrest.ContentSiteName | String | None | Provides a custom site for the service to create a custom analysis and inspect the data from ServiceNow. | User defined (alphanumeric) |
servicenowrest.batch_size | Int | 250 | Limits the records that are returned by the Servicenow Adapter on each request. | default value=250, max value= 9999 |
LogRetentionPeriod | Int | 5 | Time for the process to wait before it deletes the log files in the log folder. The configured value is in days. | User defined |
ResponseFile | Boolean | False | If set to True, writes the API response to separate files and stores in a 'Files' folder | True, False |
MailboxCleanup | Boolean | True | If set to True , Mailbox cleanup triggers and deletes the old mailbox files | True,False |