Fundamental concepts

In this module you can find fundamental concepts and terminology of BigFix ServiceNow Data Flow solution.

Data Sources

Data Sources represent the connection information required to for the BigFix Service Data Flow service to interact with BigFix and ServiceNow instances. Administrators provide the connection strings and may optionally set the VerifyCert flag to enable or disable the SSL certificate validation.
Note: If your instance leverages a self-signed certificate for the BigFix REST API, this option needs to be set to false.

Administrators provide credentials for each data source using the IntegrationServices CLI, with the – ProvideCredentials command and an optional DataSource Name argument.

BigFix Service Account Requirements

To facilitate the import of ServiceNow CMDB data into BigFix, a Master Operator account is required. Otherwise, the minimum account requirements to send BigFix endpoint data to ServiceNow are the following:

  • A non-master operator account with permissions against the in-scope computers.

  • Read access to the BigFix ServiceNow Data Flow site.

  • The Can use REST API setting set to Yes

  • The Can Create Actions setting set to No.

ServiceNow Service Account Requirements

The ServiceNow Administrator should have a service account that leverages basic authentication with read and write access to the CMDB tables.


Adapters provide the logic to facilitate bi-directional communication with either ServiceNow or BigFix. The Data Flow service provides two adapters which can be configured to direct the flow of data from one system to another. Data flows are configured with one Source Adapter and one Target Adapter. The Source Adapter gathers data from the configured data source using the property collection provided in the configuration, performs any data transformations, identifies changes from the last execution, and hands those changes over to the configured Target Adapter. The Target Adapter then retrieves the changes from the Source Adapter, validates and maps changes against the target data set, performs any data transformations, and updates the target data source with the changes. The properties are matched between Source and Target adapters based on their property name which are case sensitive.
Note: The Data Flow services can be set in a Preview Only mode, as described in a following section. In this mode, the solution writes any discovered changes to a CSV file in the installation directory for testing of the configuration of the data flows.

BigFix Adapter

Whenever initiated in the context of a Data Flow, the BigFix Adapter extracts data from BigFix by querying the REST API with a dynamically generated query based on the property configuration in the adapter configuration of the data flow. It then parses those results, performs any required transformations, identifies changes from previous executions, and persists the changes to a cache file on the disk.
Note: The BigFix Adapter looks for machines that have reported within a specific duration only. You can configure the duration by using the bigfixrest.MaxComputerAge setting. The default value is 12 hours.
As a Target Adapter, the BigFix Adapter processes changes received from the source adapter, and updates the mailbox file for each machine.
Note: The mailbox file is a flat representation of the data gathered from all data flows in relation to a given data source. The updated mailbox file is then pushed through the BigFix REST API to a specific endpoint, which enables a BigFix Analysis to make that data available in the Console, WebReports, WebUI, Inventory,and Compliance.

ServiceNow Adapter

When initiated in the context of a Data Flow, the ServiceNow Adapter extracts data from the CMDB_CI_COMPUTER table in ServiceNow, parses the results, and persists the changes to a cache file on the disk.

As a Target Adapter, the ServiceNow Data Flow Adapter processes changes received from the Source Adapter, detects changes, and updates the CMDB_CI_COMPUTER table.

Data Flows

A Data Flow facilitates the flow of information from a source system to a target system. It is configured to run on start of the service and then again at a configurable interval. By default, the solution is configured to run 4 data flows concurrently. Upon execution, the data flow causes both the Source Adapter and the Target Adapter to initialize and gather the latest data from the respective data sources. Once they are initialized, the source adapter transfers the changed records to the Target Adapter for processing. The Target Adapter attempts to map the records based upon the configured correlation logic.
Note: If multiple matches are found, the change record is ignored. If a single match is found, the Target Adapter performs an update. If no match is found, the change record is inserted.

Machine correlation

In an ideal scenario, every computer contains an identifier that can uniquely identify the system in both the source and target data sources. For instance, if your organization guarantees that a device is always uniquely identified by the host name and that data was available in both systems, then simple key matching could be performed to associate the records between the systems.

However, the definition of a computer between data sources and organizations is often more complex. Host names change, IP addresses change, NIC changes, hard drives change, operating systems are reinstalled or upgraded, and so on. In most of these cases, the assets are not necessarily considered “new”.

Within ServiceNow DataFlow, the initial step involves comparing the source key of the source adapter with the target key of the target adapter. If the match is found, it is a primary key match for the record. This implies that the correlation between the records in ServiceNow and Bigfix will remain intact, irrespective of any subsequent checks on the identity properties. If the match is not found the process proceeds to use the weighted confidence algorithm for machine correlation matching.

A weighted confidence algorithm that is configured within the data flow performs this initial mapping. Each data flow is configured with the MinimumConfidenceLevel property which is in global setting, which defines the weight of combined matches that are acceptable for assuming a match. If the combined weight of matching properties exceeds this threshold, then the record is considered a match and the key is mapped to improve performance of the subsequent updates. This provides a lot of flexibility to adapt to the natural changes in an environment.

For ex: Lets assume the dataflow is from Bigfix to ServiceNow. In the first dataflow execution all the data from Bigfix gets loaded to ServiceNow. In the subsequent executions the machine correlation plays important role. Lets assume that the minimumconfidence level is set to 60 and below machine details are present in both Bigfix and ServiceNow. In the next execution the ip address from Bigfix is compared with ServiceNow.

Machine IP Address(weight = 30) MAC Address(weight = 30) Hostname(weight =30)
1 2345.567.222 Machine1

As the ip address matches, the confidence level is now 30 ( weight of ip address) . Next the system compares the mac address in Bigfix and ServiceNow and it matches so the confidence level is 60( weight of ip address + weight of mac address). Now as the confidence level is 60 which is equal to the miniumconfidencelevel, the record is either updated or kept in ServiceNow.

In the below example the mac address and hostname of the machine is changed but ip address remains as is. Now following the same steps as mentioned , the minimumconfidencelevel will not be reached and the system assumes it to be a new record and inserts it into ServiceNow.

Machine IP Address(weight = 30) MAC Address(weight = 30) Hostname(weight =30)
1 2345.567.2234 Machine2

Advanced Configurations

Data Flows

With BigFix ServiceNow Data Flow, administrators can uniquely design data flows to optimize performance and accuracy of machine correlation. The default configuration provides data flows to separate the synchronization of data for laptops, servers, and virtual machines. An administrator can synchronize a data flow on any number of different configuration properties, such as location, subnet, device type, operating system and so on.

Property Transformations

You can manipulate the value of a property by using property transformations. This could be useful in several scenarios requiring calculated fields such as maintenance windows or enumerations. Property transformations are implemented in Python language.
<property displayname= "Sample Property" 
sourcecolumnname= "SampleProp" 
datatype= "Integer"> 

Filter Queries

Administrators can use Filter Queries to filter data extracted from the source system to limit the scope of the data flow.
<sourceadapter  displayname     = "My first source adapter"  
                adapterclass    = "bigfixrest"  
                datasourcename  = "MyDataSource"> 
        relay hostname of it is "Relay1" 

Preview Data

The BigFix ServiceNow Data Flow can be configured to export changes instead of updating the target system. This feature enables administrators to test Data Flow configurations without the solution updating the target system. To enable this functionality, the PreviewOnly setting in the configuration file should be set to True. While this setting is enabled, the Target Adapter writes any planned changes in to a CSV file in the installation path, where the installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\Dataflow.

Naming convention of CSV files:

  • ServiceNow Dataflow from Bigfix To ServiceNow: Preview-[0]-[servicernow]-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv.

    Ex.: Preview-[0]-[servicernow]-20220511140308.csv

  • ServiceNow Dataflow from ServiceNow to Bigfix: Preview-[1]-[bigfix]-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv

    Ex.: Preview-[1]-[bigfix]-202205118004051.csv

Update Throttling

With Update Throttling, adminstrators can tune the performance of the service so as not to negatively impact the target data source. This can be enabled and tweaked with the following two settings for each adapter in the configuration file: QueueRefreshInterval and UpdateBatchSize.

The QueueRefreshInterval determines the frequency that a given adapter looks for changes to be sent to the target data source. It is set to 120 seconds or about 30 potential updates per hour by default. The UpdateBatchSize determines the number of records that can be processed in a single update and its default value is 0.

In a scenario where QueueRefreshInterval is set to 120 seconds and UpdateBatchSize is set to 50, the solution would be throttled to 1500 updates per hour or 36,000 updates per day.