Deploying technology levels and service packs to a standby BOS

Use the AIX Advanced Deployment Wizard to deploy technology level and service pack updates to an existing standby BOS.

Before you begin

About this task

The individual multibos operation to deploy the technology level and service pack updates removes all the interim fixes on the standby BOS before deploying the updates. It runs a preview of the deployment before deploying the updates to the endpoints. It also verifies the OS version on the standby BOS after the updates are deployed.


  1. From the BigFix console, click Patch Management > OS Vendors > IBM AIX > AIX Advanced Deployment Wizard.
  2. Under the Multibos Tasks tab, click Multibos Individual Task Operations to expand the options pane.
  3. Select Deploy Technology Level and Service Pack to the standby BOS.
    Figure 1. Deploying Technology Level and Service Pack to the standby BOS

    Deploying Technology Level and Service Pack to the standby BOS
  4. Select the major version, technology level, and service pack of the operating system level that you want to deploy to the standby BOS.
  5. Verify that the preview option is at the preferred setting.
  6. Click Create Action.
  7. Deploy the action.