Importing issues from third-party scanners

Whether you use third-party scanners or conduct manual penetration tests to discover issues, you can import the issues from a CSV file into ASoC for triaging.


  1. Download the Sample CSV file (also available from the Import issues from a CSV file dialog box) to see which issue attributes can be imported to ASoC.
    Tip: Modify the sample CSV file and use it as a template for all of your third-party scanners.
  2. Scan your environment for vulnerabilities and export a comma-separated value (CSV) file of the issues.
    • Use the English column headers shown in the sample file, not translated versions.
    • Make sure that the CSV uses UTF-8 encoding.
    • The file size limit is 200 MB.
    • If the field or cell contains a comma, the field or cell must be enclosed by double quotation marks (").
  3. Import the issues:
    1. On an Application page, click Manage > Import external issues.
    2. Drag and drop the file or click to browse and select the file, then click Open.
    3. Optionally you can edit the Imported scan name, and click Import. Check the import log for errors. If import is successful, click Doneto close the dialog.