Add Dimensions to the Anomaly Detections report

You can apply dimension filtering to your Anomaly Detections report.

In the Anomaly Detections page:

  • The list of available dimensions is filtered by default to display only the dimensions that apply to the Anomaly Detection or Anomalies currently in the report.
  • To display all active dimensions, click the Show All Dimensions check box.
  • To add a dimension, drag it from the left navigation bar to the <Add Filter> box in the chart. The dimension is added to the report. You can also click the <Add Filter> box to open the Dimension selector.

Dimension drop-down menu

When a dimension is added, the following commands are available in the drop-down menu:

Filter the report to display data only for specified dimension values. See Filtering the Anomaly Detections report by dimension.
Rename the dimension for purposes of the report. Enter a new name and click Apply.
Remove the dimension from the report.