Portal History

The Portal History section displays logs for the Portal activity for the current user for the current session.

For the Database History views, a list of the SQL calls to the selected database, detailing the Method, Page, Tab, SQL, Start and End Times, Time Elapsed, Query Type, and Error (if applicable) is displayed. This list can be used to view any SQL errors from the current section that are related to the selected database. The available databases are the System, Reports, and Statistics databases.

These views of the data are described below.

AJAX Call History
A list of the different AJAX calls made by the Portal, grouped by the page from which they were called.
System Database History
A list of the recent calls to the DC_SYSTEM database, in reverse chronological order.
Reports Database History
A list of the recent calls to the DC_REPORTS database, in reverse chronological order.
Statistics Database History
A list of the recent calls to the DC_STATISTICS database, in reverse chronological order.