Single server

When a single DecoupleEx server is selected, the following report is displayed.

Some key fields are described below.


DecoupleEx Status
The current status of the DecoupleEx session agent:
  • Memory - hits are being processed in memory only.
  • Disk - hits are being spooled to disk because memory is full.
  • UNKNOWN - the status of the DecoupleEx session agent is not known. The session agent is not operational.
Canister Status
Current status of the canister: UP or DOWN.
Time of Hits On Disk
The average time that hits are spending on disk.
Forced Queuing
Queuing of hits is enforced automatically. When set to yes, a start queue command was issued, and hits are being queued even though the Short Term Canister has not crossed any thresholds.
Canister Hits Ratio
The ratio of hits entering the canister and exiting the canister.
Last Update Time Stamp
A timestamp indicating the last time this report was updated.
Canister Message
The current status message from the canister.
Total Dropped Hits
The total number of hits that have been dropped by the canister since last restart.
Current Spooled Hits
The current number of hits that have been spooled to disk.
Hits In/Hits Out Ratio
The ratio of hits entering the DecoupleEx session agent and exiting the session agent.

Notes on minimum, maximum and total values

In this report, these values are computed since the last time the Transport Service was restarted.

  • Maximum values may be skewed. When the Transport Service is restarted, all hits that have been queued by the DNCA are submitted at the same time.

Canister Hits In and Canister MegaBytes In

The current, total, maximum and minimum rates of traffic entering the canister per second, as measured in number of hits and megabytes of data.

Hits In and MegaBytes In

The current, total, maximum and minimum rates of traffic entering the DecoupleEx session agent per second, as measured in number of hits and megabytes of data.

Hits Out and MegaBytes Out

The current, total, maximum and minimum rates of traffic exiting the DecoupleEx session agent per second, as measured in number of hits and megabytes of data.

Total Hits/MegaBytes and Current Sample Hits/MegaBytes

The total number of hits and megabytes of data entering the canister, entering the DecoupleEx session agent, and exiting the session agent.

  • The period for the current sample is approximately one minute.

Current Memory/Disk and Max Memory/Disk

The current number of hits in memory, queued on disk, and total in both areas, as well as the megabytes of storage they occupy.

The same metrics are listed for the maximum values over the reporting period.

Time of First Hit in Spool Files indicates the timestamp when the first hit was spooled, which indicates an overflow condition, since the last restart of the pipeline.

  • If this value is set to N/A, no hits have been spooled since the last restart.