Failure to install due to model database size mismatch

During installation of the Discover databases, the Discover Database Manager may report a failure because of a mismatch between the configured database sizes in Discover and the model database sizes that are configured in SQL Server Management Studio.

About this task

In rare cases, a customer may change the size of the model database size in their SQL Server installation from the default value of 50 MB. SQL Server Management Studio does not allow databases to be installed below the model database size. For example, if the model database size is set to 250MB, when the Discover Database Manager attempts to install the Discover databases, some installations fail because they are smaller than this minimum limit.

The solution is to do one of the following:


  1. Reconfigure the model database size in SQL Server Management Studio to 50MB. For more information, consult the documentation that was provided with your SQL Server product.
  2. Reconfigure the database sizes in Discover Database Manager to be slightly larger than the model database size in SQL Server Management Studio. For the above example, you could set the database size to 260MB.
    • Database sizes must be configured through individual filegroups for each database.