Specifying whitelists and blacklists

Through the Edit List window, you can manually create whitelists and blacklists or populate them with values retrieved from reference value log files.

Note: After you specified the values in your whitelist and saved the changes to the server, you cannot change the source value for existing items.
Note: After you specified your whitelist and blacklist for a dimension, you should export the list to a file. In case you need to make changes at some future time, you can use the exported file as one of your data sources for population of the list in the new dimension.
Note: After you created a whitelist of values, newly added values are not automatically included in Anomaly Detection calculations. Any imported or manually added values must be specifically selected for inclusion in Anomaly Detection calculations.

If you selected Order whitelist as shown in the Dimension properties, you may use the up and down arrows next to the Value column to reorder the display of whitelist values.

Value that is detected in the capture stream
Display Value
Value to record, which is displayed in reports
Track Anomaly Detections
Click this check box to track the variations in the detected value as a potential source for an Anomaly Detection.

The following commands are available at the bottom of the screen.

Manually add values to the list. See Manually editing values.
Remove All
Remove all values from the list.
Note: You can remove only values if the list was not yet saved to the server.
Download Log Values
Download all values that are captured in the logs to a compressed file. See Downloading log values.
Import File...
Import a list of values into your list. See Importing a list.
Export File...
Export the list of values in the above format.
Track All
Click to select all values for tracking as Anomaly Detections.
Untrack All
Click to clear the Track Anomaly Detections check box for each value.
Complete your changes to the list and return to the Edit Dimension window. Data is not saved until you select Save Draft.
Cancel your changes and return to the Edit Dimension window.

You can specify a whitelist or blacklist in one of the following ways: