Administration clients

Administration clients enable you to perform the following tasks for data stored on the configuration server:
  • Manage users, groups, and sessions
  • Configure, manage and trace the Redirector service
  • Configure Database On-Demand
  • Enable security
  • View trace and message logs
  • Disable functions to end users

Administration clients run on all Z and I Emulator for Web client platforms except the Macinstosh operating system. If you are creating HTML files in the Deployment Wizard using either the configuration server-based or combined models, you need to configure sessions on the configuration server using an administration client. Refer to Basic Configuration Steps in the online help for more detailed information about configuring the Z and I Emulator for Web configuration server.

Z and I Emulator for Web supplies the following predefined administration and full administration clients:

Administration client (admin.html)
Loads the download version of the administration client.
Full Administration client (adminfull.html)2
Loads the download version of the full Administration client. The full administration client gives the administrator the additional ability of starting sessions to configure runtime properties. However, the download size of the full administration client is larger than the download size of administration client.
  1. Use the problem determination clients only if you are working with Support to resolve a problem with your Z and I Emulator for Web installation.
  2. The full Administration client is the Administration client with Start Session enabled.
  3. If you use a Java–enabled browser, you need to use the Java Control Panel to remove the Administration client. For instructions, refer to Using the Java 2 Plug-in.